
【韓國爵士女歌友(雄山)最新專輯 -- 我很好】

(2018-11-26 14:07:46) 下一個


【專輯藝人】: WoongSan
【專輯名稱】: I'm Alright
【發行日期】: 2018年
【唱片公司】: Universal Music Ltd.
【專輯類型】: Jazz, Vocal


WoongSan(金恩英)是一位屢獲殊榮的韓國音樂家,演員和電視節目主持人。18歲時曾入山修行,以法號Woong San(雄山)為藝名的韓國爵士歌姬,在寺院修行的日子裡,Woong San發現歌唱的力量,下山後隨即成為一名搖滾歌手,並在一次偶然的機會中聽到爵士紅伶Billy Holiday 的音樂,讓她感動不已,進而由搖滾樂歌手轉型為爵士歌手,成為日韓樂迷瘋狂喜愛的爵士歌姬。她是第一位在紐約市歷史悠久的Blue Note爵士俱樂部演出的韓國音樂家,並與許多其他著名的爵士音樂家合作過。“I'm Alright”是WoongSan的第九張專輯,同時在韓國和日本發行。她在演繹中,即使遵循流暢的爵士樂的例子,也有一種時髦和藍調的聲音的感覺,特別是,它是一張通過與國內外表演者的合作專輯,在新環境中完美地詮釋著標準的爵士樂曲。

WoongSan (born Kim Eun Young) is an award-winning South Korean musician, actress and TV show host. She has been a leading figure in the jazz music scene in Korea and Japan for over a decade, having performed live over 500 times since her 1998 Japanese debut. She is the first Korean-born musician to perform at New York City's historic Blue Note Jazz Club and has collaborated with many other well-known jazz musicians including Benny Green, Lonnie Plaxico, Rodney Green, Conrad Herwig and Suzuki Hisatsugu. She is also well known for training Ali (South Korean singer), a popular K-pop singer.

When she was 18, WoongSan spent a year and a half at a Buddhist temple in the Korean countryside. During her training she had a powerful realization: her calling in life was music. Initially she played in a college rock band, but after a friend played her a Billie Holiday record, she began to dedicate herself to jazz. She spent several years performing as a solo artist then released her first album accompanied by a jazz ensemble in 1996. By the end of 1998 she was a recognizable figure in both Korea and Japan, and since then, she has released six albums, garnered numerous awards and critical acclaim, and continues to tour prolifically. She has also written many songs for films.

"I'm Alright" is WoongSan's ninth album. "I'm Alright" is released simultaneously in Korea and Japan in three years since the eighth album 'Temptation' (2016), and it shows the completion of the smooth jazz which was shown before. Woong San who has a funky and bluesy sound even after following the example of smooth jazz. The title songs 'I'm Alright' and 'Love Is A Losing Game' show not only the outstanding singer-songwriter but also the perfect interpretation of the standard songs in the new environment through collaboration with domestic and foreign performers . Especially, it is an album where a lot of jazz musicians from all over the world can participate and feel a richer sound.





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