
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (54)

(2012-09-07 19:43:15) 下一個


Chinese officials faced with public controversies in the era of social media have tended to choose one of two strategies: 1) say nothing; or 2) have the local government issue a comically murky statement on their behalf that essentially says nothing.

com·i·cal /ˈkɑ:mɪkəl/ adjective

[more comical; most comical] : causing laughter especially by being unusual or unexpected
▪ a comical performance
▪ I must have looked comical in that big hat.
▪ The way they argue is almost comical.
▪ There's nothing comical [=funny] about someone getting hurt.

— com·i·cal·lyadverb
▪ comically inappropriate remarks

murky /ˈmɚki/ adjective
murk·i·er; murk·i·est

1 a: very dark or foggy
▪ murky skies
▪ She peered into one of the church's murky chapels.
bof a liquid: not clear :cloudy
▪ the lake's murky water

2 a: not clearly expressed or understood
▪ He offered a murky [=vague] explanation.
▪ Her employment history is somewhat murky. [=unclear]
b: involving dishonest or illegal activities that are not clearly known
▪ a politician with a murky past


Success is such a deeply ingrained expectation in this society that we loathe burdening our family or friends with admissions of hardship.

in·grained /ˈɪnˌgreɪnd/ adjective

[more ingrained; most ingrained] : existing for a long time and very difficult to change : firmly established
▪ an ingrained habit/tradition
▪ These attitudes are very deeply ingrained in the culture.

2010年出版的《僅僅聰明是不夠的》(Smart Isn't Enough)一書的作者、俄勒岡州波特蘭的高管教練肯頓•R•希爾(Kenton R. Hill)說,“與上司對抗需要勇氣和情商。如果你幫助你的老板取得成功,你獲得重用的可能性會大大增加。”

'It takes courage and emotional intelligence to stand up to your boss,' observes Kenton R. Hill, an executive coach in Portland, Ore., who wrote 'Smart Isn't Enough,' a 2010 book. 'You're more likely to land a bigger role if you help your boss be successful,' he adds.

stand up [phrasal verb]

1: to remain valid or acceptable when tested or examined
We need evidence that will stand up in court.
2 stand (someone) upinformal: to fail to meet or keep an appointment with (someone)
You stood me up yesterday. I got stood up by my date.
3 stand up for (someone or something): to defend (someone or something) against attack or criticism
He stood up for his friend. You have to stand up for yourself. They were standing up for their rights.
4 stand up to (someone): to refuse to accept bad treatment from (someone)
She finally stood up to the girl who had been teasing her at school.
5 stand up to (something): to remain in good condition despite (something)
These boots have stood up to [=withstood] a lot of abuse.
6 stand up and be counted: to make your opinions or beliefs publicly known especially when such action may cause trouble
It's time for everyone who cares about this issue to stand up and be counted.see also 1stand 1b, 2b (above), stand-up

Hollywood.com票房部總裁德加拉伯迪安(Paul Dergarabedian)在電子郵件中說,恐怖片似乎永遠有一群鐵杆觀眾,《惡靈入侵》有力的票房表現將為秋季和假期季一係列恐怖片的上映拉開序幕,在它後麵至少還有六部恐怖片。

'The horror genre seems to always have a built-in audience and 'The Possession's' solid performance will kick off a string of horror movies set for the Fall and Holiday period with at least six more in the queue,' Paul Dergarabedian, president of the box-office division of Hollywood.com, said via email.

提前發布的演講稿摘錄顯示,克林頓計劃在周三表示,最重要的問題是,你們想生活在一個什麽樣的國家?如果你們想要一個凡事隻能靠自己、贏者通吃的社會,那你們該支持共和黨候選人;如果你們想要一個共享繁榮、共擔責任的社會,一個齊心協力共建未來的社會,那你們就該把票投給奧巴馬和拜登(Joe Biden)。

'The most important question is, what kind of country do you want to live in? If you want a you're-on-your-own, winner-take-all society, you should support the Republican ticket,' Mr. Clinton planned to say Wednesday, according to excerpts of his speech released early. 'If you want a country of shared prosperity and shared responsibility─a we're-all-in-this-together society─you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.'

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