
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (49)

(2012-08-03 20:17:11) 下一個


Executives of the network (NBC) have decided to do away with the old formula of keeping big events under wraps until its prime-time evening broadcast. Instead, every Olympic event will be available live online for cable and satellite subscribers, who will be able to select events from a menu at nbcolympics.com.

大家都在討論最近刊登在《紐約時報》(New York Times)上的一篇文章“忙碌陷阱”(The ‘Busy’ Trap),作者是蒂姆•克雷德(Tim Kreider)。該文已有813條評論,是《紐約時報》網站NYTimes.com到昨天為止通過電子郵件轉發最多的文章,在推特上傳播了數千次,我在臉譜(Facebook)上的幾乎每個朋友也都分享了這篇文章。

Everyone is talking about 'The 'Busy' Trap,' an article that ran in the New York Times last weekend. The story, by author Tim Kreider, currently has 813 comments, was the most emailed article on NYTimes.com through yesterday, has been tweeted thousands of times, and shared by almost everybody I know on Facebook.

Note: The ‘Busy’ Trap


悠閑和放鬆是培養創造力的極其重要的養分。克雷德(Tim Kreider)這樣說道,“曆史上有各種充滿了靈感的故事,它們往往在閑散時刻和睡夢之中迸發出來的。”

Taking time to relax and unwind is extremely important for nurturing one's creativity. 'History is full of stories of inspirations that come in idle moments and dreams,' he says.

un·wind /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/ verb
un·winds; un·wound /-ˈwaʊnd/ un·wind·ing

1: to move the end of something (such as a piece of string) that is wound in a roll, coil, etc., so that it becomes straight [+ obj]
▪ She unwound some thread from the spool. [no obj]
▪ The fishing line unwound quickly.

2 [no obj] : to relax and stop thinking about work, problems, etc.
▪ I wanted to unwind after a hard day.

受倫敦夏季奧運會以及前不久美國科羅拉多州奧羅拉市影院槍擊慘案的影響,北美票房收入不盡人意,但觀眾仍為一睹《黑暗騎士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)而排隊購票。

Audiences continued to line up for 'The Dark Knight Rises,' even as the North American box office slowed amid competition from summer Olympics coverage and the aftermath of the recent shootings in an Aurora, Colo., theater.

心髒病、糖尿病、老年癡呆、中風和癌症有什麽共同之處?科學家發現,這些病症都與所謂的“慢性炎症”(chronic inflammation)存在關聯,科學家正在研究高脂肪食物及體重過胖可能導致嚴重失調症患病風險加大的原因所在。

What do heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, stroke and cancer have in common? Scientists have linked each of these to a condition known as chronic inflammation, and they are studying how high-fat foods and excess body weight may increase the risk for fatal disorders.

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