
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (44)

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Travelers Digest's Top Ten Cities With The Most Beautiful Woman says Kiev is 'without a doubt, home to the world’s most beautiful women'.

In praising its population the online magazine notes: 'A visit to Kiev is truly awe-inducing and it’s almost hard to believe that women this beautiful even exist.’

1awe/ˈɑ:/ noun

[singular] : a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder
▪ It was a sight that filled me with awe and reverence.
▪ a person who inspires feelings of awe in others
▪ an awe-inspiring sight— often used after in
▪ We watched in awe as the building collapsed.
▪ They stared in awe at their hero.— often used in the phrase in awe of
▪ She is still in awe of her teacher.
▪ I stand in awe of their courage.

in·duce /ɪnˈdu:s, Brit ɪnˈdju:s/ verb
in·duc·es; in·duced; in·duc·ing

[+ obj]
1: somewhat formal: to cause (someone or something) to do something
▪ The advertisement is meant to induce people to eat more fruit
.▪ No one knows what induced him to leave.

2: to cause (something) to happen or exist
▪ medication to induce vomiting
▪ Her illness was induced by overwork
▪ drug-induced sleep
▪ a stress-induced illness

3: medical: to give (a pregnant woman) special medicine in order to make her give birth
▪ The mother was induced. : to cause (labor or birth) to begin by giving special drugs to a pregnant woman
▪ They will induce labor to avoid complications.
— in·duc·ernoun, plural in·duc·ers [count] technical
▪ He uses the herb as a sleep inducer


Decades ago, Americans, scarred by the memories of the Depression, were big savers. But the baby boom generation, free of the scars of the Depression - and lured by the why-wait, buy-now culture fostered by credit cards -- went on buying binges.

1scar /ˈskɑɚ/ noun
plural scars

1: a mark that is left on your skin after a wound heals
▪ The operation left a scar on his stomach.
▪ the soldier's battle scars
▪ scar tissue

2: a mark on something showing where it has been damaged
▪ The table had several scars on its top.

3: a feeling of great emotional pain or sadness that is caused by a bad experience and that lasts for a long time
▪ The divorce left her with deep emotional scars.

2scar verb
scars; scarred; scar·ring

[+ obj] 1: to mark (something) with a scar
▪ His arm was badly scarred after the accident.

2: to cause (someone) to feel great emotional pain or sadness because of a bad experience
▪ The tragedy left her emotionally scarred.
▪ Divorce can scar a child for life. = Divorce can leave a child scarred for life.

3: to make marks on (something) that show damage or wear
▪ Your shoes are scarring the floor.
▪ The fence was scarred by rust.

1fos·ter /ˈfɑ:stɚ/ verb
fos·ters; fos·tered; fos·ter·ing

1 [+ obj] : to help (something) grow or develop
▪ We are trying to foster [=encourage, promote] a sense of community.
▪ Such conditions foster the spread of the disease.

2: to provide the care that a parent usually gives to a child : to be or become the foster parent of a child [+ obj] ▪ Would you consider fostering a child? [no obj]
▪ (chiefly Brit) Would you consider fostering?

據知情人士透露,美國最大的住房建築商之一Lennar Corp.正在與中國國家開發銀行(China Development Bank)進行談判,前者將向後者借入大約17億美元的資金以啟動位於舊金山的兩個擱置已久的房地產項目。該項目打算將兩個前海軍基地改造成大型住宅地產項目。

Lennar Corp., one of the U.S.'s largest home builders, is in talks with the China Development Bank for approximately $1.7 billion in capital to jump-start two long-delayed San Francisco projects that would transform two former naval bases into large-scale housing developments, according to people familiar with the discussions.


Middle-income parents who welcomed a new child last year can expect to spend nearly $300,000 over the next 17 years, according to a new report.

諾拉•埃夫龍(Nora Ephron)是一位散文作家和編劇,她對美食、房產和男女關係的癡迷令好萊塢的浪漫喜劇重新煥發魅力。

Nora Ephron was an essayist and screenwriter whose fixation on food, real estate and the relationships between men and women helped reinvigorate the Hollywood romantic comedy.

fix·ate /ˈfɪkˌseɪt/ verb
fix·ates; fix·at·ed; fix·at·ing

[no obj] : to look at or think about something constantly : to give all of your attention to something — usually + on or upon
▪ Why do journalists fixate on scandals?

fixated adjective [more fixated; most fixated]
▪ Why are journalists are so fixated on scandals?

— fix·a·tion /fɪkˈseɪʃən/noun, plural fix·a·tions [count]
▪ The band is my latest music fixation. [=the music I am thinking about constantly most recently]
▪ the media's fixation on scandals
▪ society's fixation on [=obsession with] race

in·vig·o·rate /ɪnˈvɪgəˌreɪt/ verb
in·vig·o·rates; in·vig·o·rat·ed; in·vig·o·rat·ing

[+ obj] 1: to give life and energy to (someone)
▪ A brisk walk in the cool morning air always invigorates me
▪ He was invigorated by the positive feedback.

2: to cause (something) to become more active and lively
▪ The mayor has plans to invigorate the downtown economy.
— invigoratingadjective [more invigorating; most invigorating]
▪ an invigorating walk

re-/ri/ prefix

1: again
▪ refill [=fill again]
▪ redo [=do over; do again]

2: back to an original place, condition, etc.
▪ recall [=call something back]


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