馬可奧勒留(Marcus Aurelius)在《沉思錄》(Meditations)中寫下這樣自我勸勉的話:“一日之始就對自己說:我將遇見好管閑事的人、忘恩負義的人、傲慢的人、欺詐的人、嫉妒的人和孤僻的人。他們染有這些品性是因為他們不知道什麽是善,什麽是惡。”
In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius wrote the following self-exhortation: “When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.”
To be a moral animal is to have higher expectations of ourselves than we do of others, not by behaving as we fear others would.
plural an·i·mals
4somewhat informal: a person or thing of a particular kind
▪ You want someone who will love you and give you everything you want but ask nothing in return? Let's face it, there's no such animal! [=there is no person who will do that]▪ Everyone wants a computer that always works perfectly, but there's no such animal.▪ The sport has changed. It's a very/completely different animal today. [=it's very/completely different today]▪ His wife has always been a political animal. [=has always been very interested in politics]
科幻動作片《饑餓遊戲》(The Hunger Games)繼續主導北美電影票房榜,力挫《三個臭皮匠》(The Three Stooges)等新片,成為自2009年《阿凡達》(Avatar)以來首部連續四周雄踞票房榜冠軍寶座的電影。
The futuristic sci-fi action picture 'The Hunger Games' continued to dominate the movie box office, edging out newcomers such as 'The Three Stooges' to become the first film since 2009's 'Avatar' to earn the top spot for four consecutive weeks.
Tea may have a long history in China but it has hardly been exempt from the food safety scandals that have plagued the country in recent years.
2plague verb
plagues; plagued; plagu·ing
On Wednesday, a report from Greenpeace outlined the pesticides — including carcinogenic and banned chemicals — found in 18 Chinese teas, including some of the country’s best-known brands.
華特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)同中國的DMG娛樂公司(DMG Entertainment)簽署了聯合製作協議,雙方將在中國製作下一部鋼鐵俠(Iron Man)電影。此舉凸顯了中國對全球娛樂產業的吸引力。
Walt Disney Co. signed a co-production deal with China's DMG Entertainment to produce its next 'Iron Man' film in China, highlighting the nation's draw for the global entertainment industry.
plural draws