
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (33)

(2012-04-14 19:23:41) 下一個


It sounds a bit too good to be true: A new study has found people who eat chocolate more frequently tend to be thinner than those who consume the sweet treat less often.

eat - consume
frequently - often
chocalate - the sweet treat

如果說正如莫莉•布朗(Molly Brown)所言,1997年的鴻篇巨製《泰坦尼克號》(Titanic)中的年輕男主角傑克•道森(Jack Dawson)突然換上無尾晚禮服後就像一枚嶄新的硬幣那樣閃耀,那麽詹姆斯•卡梅隆(James Cameron)的《泰坦尼克號》3D版就是像金條般光芒四射了。

If Jack Dawson shines up like a new penny, as Molly Brown says of the suddenly tuxedoed young hero of 'Titanic,' James Cameron's 3-D release of the 1997 meta-mega-hit shines up like gold bullion.

Adj. 1. tuxedoed - dressed in a tuxedo; "a tuxedoed gentleman"

mega·hitListen to audio/ˈmɛˌhɪt/noun

plural mega·hits

[count] informal: something (such as a movie) that is extremely successful
His latest movie was a megahit.

bul·lionListen to audio/ˈbʊljən/noun

[noncount] : bars of gold or silver
gold bullion 

最近由花旗集團(Citigroup)委托經濟學人智庫(Economist Intelligence Unit)進行的一項研究發現,紐約市是全球最有競爭力的城市,以微弱優勢領先倫敦,新加坡、巴黎和香港則緊隨其後。

A recent study commissioned by Citigroup and conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit found New York City to be the most competitive city in the world, edging out London for the top spot, followed by Singapore, Paris and Hong Kong.

edge out [phrasal verb]

edge (someone or something) out or edge out (someone or something): to slowly become more successful, popular, etc., than (someone or something)
The company is gradually edging out the competition. Efficiency has edged out price as the top reason people give for buying the car.see also 2edge 3 (above)


While mayors continue to be responsible for maintaining public safety and delivering public services, the 21st-century global economy has generated a new responsibility: staying ahead of the competition.


It is one of the most storied train rides in the world, a journey through raw landscapes and historic realms.

花旗私人銀行(Citi Private Bank)和倫敦房地產公司萊坊(Knight Frank)的報告顯示,全球房價最貴的地方是摩納哥,目前均價為每平方英尺5,408美元。

The price of real-estate in Monaco ─ the world's most expensive locale ─ is now an average of $5,408 a square foot, according to a report from Citi Private Bank and Knight Frank, the London real-estate firm.


Here is the list of the Top 10 以下是全球房價最高的10個地區
Monaco $5,408 摩納哥 5,408美元
Cap Ferrat ─ $4,800 費拉角 4,800美元
London ─ $4,534 倫敦 4,534美元
Hong Kong (houses) ─ $4,406 香港(別墅) 4,406美元
Courcheval 1850 ─ $4,081 法國高雪維爾1850 (Courcheval 1850) 4,081美元
St. Moritz ─ $3,951 瑞士聖莫裏茨(St. Moritz) 3,951美元
Gstaad ─ $3,701 瑞士格施塔德(Gstaad) 3,701 美元
St. Tropez ─ $3,600 法國聖特羅佩(St. Tropez) 3,600美元
Geneva $2,959 日內瓦 2,959美元
Hong Kong (apartments) ─ $2,625 香港(公寓) 2,625美元 


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