
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (28)

(2012-03-10 19:16:30) 下一個


A Silicon Valley start-up called Lytro is shipping this week a camera that looks like no other and actually lets you focus or refocus your pictures on a computer after you take them.

The toy industry is tapping into children's fascination with tablets and smartphones by rolling out new playthings that connect with touch-screen devices.

tap into
1. To establish a connection with; have access to: tapped into a new market for their products.

2. To take advantage of: tapped into their enthusiasm to improve the school.

roll out [phrasal verb]

roll out (something)orroll (something) out
1. to offer or sell (something) for the first time
▪ The company is expected to roll out [=launch] several new products next year. — see also rollout
2. to make (something that has been rolled into the shape of a tube) long and flat again
▪ He rolled out [=unrolled] the sleeping bags.

林書豪(Jeremy Lin)刮起的“林旋風”近幾周已經達到了狂熱的地步,而“自由世界”的領袖上周四說,早在林書豪成為家喻戶曉的大明星之前,自己就已經是林書豪的球迷了。

Linsanity has reached a fever pitch in recent weeks, but the leader of the free world said Thursday he was a fan before Jeremy Lin was a household name.

美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)接受專欄撰稿人兼作家西蒙斯(Bill Simmons)有關體育的采訪時說,在你知道林書豪之前,或者說在所有人知道林書豪之前,我就已經知道他了,因為美國教育部長鄧肯(Arne Duncan)曾是哈佛籃球隊的隊長,所以我支持林書豪已經有一段時間了。

'I knew about Jeremy before you did, or everybody else did, because Arne Duncan, my secretary of education, was captain of the Harvard team,' President Barack Obama said in an interview about sports with columnist and author Bill Simmons. 'So I've been on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon for a while.'

fever pitch
: a state of extreme excitement or activity [singular] ▪ I worked myself up to/into a fever pitch of enthusiasm.▪ New allegations brought interest in the scandal to a fever pitch. [noncount] ▪ Demand for the new car soon reached fever pitch.

always used before a noun

1: of or relating to a house or to the people living in a house
▪ household appliances/chores
2: known to many people : familiar or common
▪ a famous actor who has become a household name [=a person or thing whose name is very well-known]

plural band·wag·ons

[count] : a popular activity, effort, cause, etc., that attracts growing support — usually singular ▪ trying to get/keep a political bandwagon rolling▪ Local leaders jumped on the bandwagon in support of the legislation.▪ Many companies are getting/climbing on the bandwagon and offering flexible schedules to their employees.
如果你相信勞工統計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)所做的“美國人時間使用調查”(American Time Use Survey)及其他研究的結果,那麽事實上,對於自己的時間是如何在這個“忙到喘不過氣”的世界花掉的,很多美國人都有著錯誤的印象。
If you believe results from the American Time Use Survey, done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other studies, plenty of Americans have faulty impressions of how they spend time in our 'too-rushed-to-breathe' world.

Judges with the Guangdong high court are expected to announce the date for their decision whether Apple or the Taiwan-based IT company Proview has the rights to use the iPad name on devices sold in China.


The Chinese government on Wednesday criticized the U.S. Congress for passing a law that allows the United States to impose higher tariffs on imports from China and other state-run economies.

plural tar·iffs

[count] 1: a tax on goods coming into or leaving a country

蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)推出了新款iPad平板電腦,該產品的顯示屏分辨率更高,連線速度更快。蘋果目前正竭力保持自己領先於競爭對手的優勢,同時向世人證明,平板電腦可以勝過個人電腦。

Apple Inc. unveiled an updated iPad tablet with a sharper display and faster communications, as it strives to stay ahead of competitors and prove the devices can trump personal computers.


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