In Hong Kong, Mandarin is fast emerging as a new lingua franca.
lin·gua fran·ca/ˈlɪŋgwəˈfræŋkə/noun
plural lin·gua fran·cas or lin·guae fran·cae /ˈlɪŋgwiˈfræŋki/
Fresh on the heels of a fracas between Hong Kongers and mainland Chinese ignited in part by controversies over language, Hong Kong's latest official census report reveals Mandarin has eclipsed English as the language second most commonly spoken by residents of the special administrative region
on the heels of something
s, fr
eclipses; eclipsed; eclips·ing
如今,隨著2012年普利茲克建築獎(Pritzker Architecture Award)的揭曉,中國的建築業可能到了一個轉折點。周一,王澍獲得了今年的普利茲克建築獎,成為獲此殊榮的首位中國籍建築師。
Now, Chinese architecture may have reached a turning point, with the announcement on Monday of the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Award winner: architect Wang Shu, the first China national to receive the prestigious award.
據初步估計,一部由美國現役海豹突擊隊(Navy SEALs)隊員主演的動作片《勇者行動》(Act of Valor)以2,470萬美元的成績奪得上周北美周末票房冠軍。
An action film featuring active-duty Navy SEALs captured the weekend box office crown, earning $24.7 million in North America, according to early estimates.
Of all the ways that opposites attract, the thorniest may be when emotionally giving types pair up with types who are emotionally reserved.
thorn·i·er; thorn·i·est
2when conjunction
4: the time or occasion at or in which
▪ Tomorrow is when we must decide.
A Silicon Valley start-up called Lytro is shipping this week a camera that looks like no other and actually lets you focus or refocus your pictures on a computer after you take them.