
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (26)

(2012-02-25 19:08:04) 下一個


China has given a boost to the battered European common currency during a visit to Beijing by top European Union leaders.


Central Bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan said Wednesday that China has confidence in the euro and will continue to invest in bonds and other securities issued by EU countries.

舒德偉(Mr. Shoemaker)說,NBA正“千方百計”地滿足中國內地對林書豪和尼克斯隊特許商品的火熱需求。

The NBA is also 'doing everything possible' to meet 'furious' demand for Lin and Knicks merchandise in China, Mr. Shoemaker said.


Though TV schedules were long ago set, Mr. Shoemaker said the NBA is working with Chinese-language TV stations, as well as web portals like Sina, to add individual Knicks games.

周二晚上,林書豪,目前美國職業籃球聯盟(NBA)最炙手可熱的籃球運動員,把全球最引人入勝的體壇故事推上了又一個頂峰。距比賽結束隻剩下不到一秒鍾的時間,林書豪以一記三分球絕殺對手,紐約尼克斯隊(New York Knicks)取得六連勝。

The NBA's hottest basketball player pushed the world's most captivating sports story to another level Tuesday night, hitting the go-ahead 3-pointer with less than a second left on the clock to propel the New York Knicks to their sixth victory in as many games.

根據NBA官方的說法,上周五,中國新浪網在線直播的紐約尼克斯隊與洛杉磯湖人隊(Los Angeles Lakers)之間比賽的觀看者數量創下了新高。(新浪與NBA已經簽署了視頻直播協議。)在這場比賽中,林書豪拿下了38分,令湖人隊球星科比·布萊恩特(Kobe Bryant)黯然失色。

According to the NBA, last Friday's game between the Knicks and the Los Angeles Lakers --- a contest in which Lin scored 38 points while outplaying Lakers' star Kobe Bryant --- set a viewership record for live programming on China's Sina web portal, which has a live streaming agreement with the NBA.


China says it has lodged an official complaint with Tokyo, after the mayor of a Japanese city again denied the well-documented pre-World War Two massacre of several hundred thousand Chinese civilians by Japanese troops in 1937.

運動裝備巨頭耐克(Nike Inc.)在全球建立了喬丹(Michael Jordan)等體育明星冠名的運動鞋和服裝的特許經營權。如今耐克正在加緊利用其簽約新星、紐約尼克斯隊的林書豪(Jeremy Lin)帶來的機遇。

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