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Simple Gifts

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簡單的禮物(simple Gifts)改編自美國聖戰教歌曲。該曲因為被科普蘭(Aaron Copland)最著名的作品1944年為瑪莎葛拉罕(Martha Graham)所寫的芭蕾《阿帕拉契之春》(Appalachian Spring)采用而聞名世界。Simple Gifts也被用於多種場合,包擴被引用在2009年奧巴馬總統就任儀上由約翰威廉絲編排的Air and Simple Gift。

Simple Gifts (from Appalachian Spring)

Air and Simple Gifts Arranged by John Williams at Obama Inauguration

Simple Gifts (簡單的禮物)作者:Shaker Elder Joseph Brackett, Jr. (於西元1848年所著)   

簡單的禮物(simple Gifts)改編自美國聖戰教歌曲,全曲分為四個樂章 1 在那遙遠的山穀2 舞蹈 3 請接受這朵美麗的小花 4 簡單的小禮物。該曲取材於美國聖戰教的一首詩“這是一份簡單的禮物,這是一份的隨手可得的禮物,這是一份留傳在我們宿命當中的禮物。當我們找到自己該去的地方時,她就會出現在充滿愛和歡樂的山穀裏,當我們找到真正的簡單時,我們轉身就能找到幸福。”   簡單的禮物(simple Gifts)是一首非常著名的美國鄉村民謠,曾經作為美國VOA廣播電台(美國之音)的SPECIAL ENGLISH(慢速英語)節目的背景音樂。該曲演奏中用到的樂器有:口琴,笛子,洞簫,節奏感強,簡單易學。


Simple Gifts
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Simple Gifts" is a Shaker song written and composed in 1848 by Elder Joseph Brackett.

It has endured many inaccurate descriptions. Though often classified as an anonymous Shaker hymn or as a work song, it is better classified as a dance song.[1]


"Simple Gifts" was written by Elder Joseph while he was at the Shaker community in Alfred, Maine. These are the lyrics to his one-verse song:

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.[2]

Several Shaker manuscripts indicate that this is a "Dancing Song" or a "Quick Dance." "Turning" is a common theme in Christian theology, but the references to "turning" in the last two lines have also been identified as dance instructions.[1]

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