
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周總匯 (16)

(2011-12-17 12:31:18) 下一個


Black Friday is one of the most important days for retail chains because it indicates what they can expect during the next month of holiday shopping -- their most lucrative time of year.

中國表示 ,隨著政府出台一係列限製房產銷售的措施以冷卻北京一度炙手可熱的房市,北京今年已有將近一千家房地產中介被迫關門。
China says nearly 1,000 real estate outlets in the nation's capital have been forced to close this year, as a slew of new government restrictions on property sales continue to cool Beijing's once red-hot property market.


The island of Singapore is not imposing in aspect, for there are no mountains; yet its appearance is not without attractions.

Infatuation is when you think he's as gorgeous as Robert Redford, as pure as Solzhenitsyn, as funny as Woody Allen, as athletic as Jimmy Connors, and as smart as Albert Einstein.
Love is when you realize he's as gorgeous as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Solzhenitsyn, as athletic as Albert Einstenin, and nothing like Robert Redford in any category--but you'll take him anyway.

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them." Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer.

In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of the particular places, he preferred to travel on foot instead of by cart or boat, despite the hardships on long distances; and he even ventured in mountainous areas and jungles, which are rarely traveled by people and full of dangers. The pay-off for his efforts was his discovery of many fantastic landscapes.


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