
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (7)

(2011-10-16 08:03:28) 下一個

來源: 同學小薇 於 2011-10-15 22:45:56
URL:  http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/zhongyiingfanyi/120781.html


史蒂夫 喬布斯 在個人電腦業逾 35 年的曆史上,留下了不可磨滅的印記:從簡陋但具有突破性的 Apple II ,到明快時尚的觸屏平板電腦 iPad 。

Steve Jobs stamped his mark on more than 35 years of personal computing history, from the rudimentary but ground-breaking Apple II to the sleekness of the touch-screen iPad.


上個月,這個係列的 40 周年版本麵世,仍然信守同樣的核心要旨,即每次尋找工作都要從確定你最樂於運用的技能以及弄清楚你想在哪裏運用這些技能開始。

The 40th anniversary edition, released last month, sticks to the same core message, that every job search must start by identifying the skills you most enjoy using and figuring out where you want to use them.


如今,世界上最發達的一些國家終於已經準備好要對疾病和死亡加諸於人類身上的看似不可違逆的條款發起真正的攻勢 .

The world's advanced societies are finally in a position to launch a true offensive against the seemingly irresistible terms imposed on our lives by disease and death.


There can be no more basic obligation than to help ourselves and future generations to enjoy longer, healthier spans on the Earth that we share.


瑞典學院 周四在斯德哥爾摩公布了這一獎金為 1,000 萬瑞典克朗( 140 萬美元)的獎項,說選擇這位 80 歲的作家是因為 “ 他通過凝練透徹的意象為我們提供了通向現實的新途徑 ” 。

The Swedish Academy, announcing the 10 million-kronor ($1.4 million) award in Stockholm Thursday, said it had chosen the 80-year-old author 'because through his condensed translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality.'

美國經濟 9 月份淨增加 10.3 萬個工作崗位,但是失業率仍然處在 9.1% 的高位。

The U.S. economy had a net gain of 103,000 jobs in September, but that was not enough to cut the unemployment rate from 9.1 percent.


奧巴馬對國會即將通過的一項懲罰匯率操縱國的法案表示擔憂,說他希望確保這項法案不會違反世界貿易組織( World Trade Organization )規則。

President Obama expressed concerns about a bill pending before Congress that would punish countries for manipulating their currencies, saying he wants to make sure the bill wouldn't violate World Trade Organization rules.



The report, an annual assessment of the health of the U.S. military's manufacturing base, features a section that focuses on a potential Achilles' heel for the U.S. military: its reliance on rare-earth metals for manufacturing high-end weaponry.

Apple said late Wednesday it has lost a "visionary and creative genius," and that the world has lost an "amazing human being."

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