
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)


(2011-09-25 20:23:39) 下一個

來源: 非文學青年 於 2011-09-18 23:43:19
UR: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/117183.html

(1) 小布什政府的強硬政策破壞了美國與歐洲盟友之間的關係,並導致美國的國際聲望直線下跌 。

The Bush administration’s hard-edged policies fractured alliances in Europe and triggered a sharp fall in America’s standing abroad.

George W. Bush's administration’s hard-edged policies fractured alliances in Europe and triggered a sharp fall in America’s standing abroad.

(2) 如今,蘋果在平板電腦和音樂播放器領域享有近乎壟斷的地位; iPhone 的銷量比其它各款智能手機的銷量都要高。

Today, Apple enjoys near-monopolies in tablet computers and music players; its iPhone outsells all other smartphones.

(3) 在上周六晚的威尼斯電影節頒獎禮上,八項最高獎項中有三項被亞洲電影奪得。這突出表明全球對亞洲電影人越來越認可,亞洲電影人在全球的影響也越來越大。

Asian films took three of the eight top prizes at the Venice Film Festival on Saturday night, underscoring the increasing global recognition and influence of the region's filmmakers.

(4) 隨著法蘭克福汽車雙年展周二拉開序幕,關注的焦點將是在德國汽車業強勁的盈利能力和數十款新車的發布上。

As the biennial Frankfurt auto show gets under way on Tuesday, the spotlight will be on German auto industry's roaring profitability as much as the dozens of new models.

(5) 喬布斯的演講令人深受啟發,不僅對於那些希望鞭策子女養成獨立思考習慣的父母來說是這樣,對於我們任何一個在格子間裏做著自己可能並不熱愛的工作的人來說亦是如此。

His speech serves as a powerful inspiration for parents who want to spur their children to be independent thinkers, as well as any of us stuck in a cube doing a job we may not be passionate about.

Note: "His" is from the original text. I think it should be replaced by (Steve) Jobs'

(6) 研究表明,確實有情人眼裏出西施這回事。相愛的人會忽略對方的歪鼻子、啤酒肚或其他讓人反感的外貌特征。

Research suggests that we view our loved ones through rose-tinted glasses that overlook the crooked noses, bulging tummies or other attributes that might put others off.


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