Etiquette to socity is alike like clothing to people. If people do not wear clothing, they will be naked and will be mocked, and these will cause moral corruption. If there is no etiquette in socity, the socity will be pathetic; the interactions between the members will be interrupted by the usless confilctions and disruption. If the socity is were a train, etiquette would be just likes would be the rails; train can only travel along the trails. If socity is were a luxury car, etiquette would be just likes wheel, car can only travel with wheels. Without etiquette, closest friend will become enemy, friendl y countries and parters partners will face each other in war. We can find lot of examples through the history. I suggest you act politely to everyone, and try not to do something against etiquette to avoid offensing others or creating enemies.
(Referenced Google Translation)
On Etiquette
Etiquette to society is as cloth clothese to human being. It will be ridiculous if no one wears clothes and this will leads to bad moral. It will be a tragic for a society to have no etiquette. In such a society, interactions among its members will be interfered by unwothy unworthy conflicts and disputes. If a society is were a train, then etiquette is would be the track, along which the train can only move forward. If a society is a VIP car, etiquette is then like the wheels and axles on which the wagon rely to roll. Without courtesy, even the closest friends would become deadly enemies and friendly or allied countries would fight each other. We can find many such examples in human history. Therefore my advice is that you should pay attention to eqiquette, and avoid doing anything contrary to etiquette etiqueete so that you will not offend anyone else or make enemies.
Etiquette to society is like clothing to a person. Without wearing clothes, a person is naked and laughable, leading inevitably to the degeneration of morality; a society without etiquette may fall into a desperate situation, and the necessary interactions among the members of a society will be needlessly disturbed by conflicts and disputes. If a society was were a train, etiquette would be its track, along which the train rolls. If a society was a carriage boarded with honored guests, etiquette would be its wheels and axils, upon which the carriage depends to rattle onward. Without etiquette, the most intimate friends may become archenemies and friendly or allied nations may go to war. We can find many such cases in human history. Therefore, I plead that you pay attention to the rules of etiquette, and try not to violate them, so as not to offend others and make enemies.
Note: 開始“禮儀”用了manners,交作業的時候誤看到愚公的etiquette了,就改成etiquette。軸:查了字典知道是axle的。
What etiquette is to a society is like clothes to an individual. An individual without clothes would be ridiculed for being naked and would cause deterioration of morals. Without etiquette, a society would be in a mess and the necessary interaction between members of the society would be disrupted by meaningless conflicts and turmoil. If the society were a train, then etiquette would be like the rail along which can the train march. If the society were a carriage, etiquette would be like the wheels and axles, only with which can the carriage go forward. Without etiquette, the closest friends would become enemies and allies or unions of countries would fight with each other. We can find many examples like this in the human history. Therefore, I suggest you to obey the use etiquette when dealing with anyone everyone, and try not to do things against it, in avoidance of offending in order to not offend others or making enemies.
Etiquette to the society is like clothes to people. A person will be naked without wearing clothes and be mocked by the others, that which will lead to demoralization. The society will land in a sad plight without etiquette. The interpersonal communication will be interrupted by the conflict and fuss. If the society is were a train, the etiquette would be like a railway track on which the train could run. If the society is a limousine, the etiquette would be like a wheel and axis on which the carriage could move. Lacking of etiquette, the most intimate friends will would become enemies, and the allied countries will would fight against each other. We may find lots of cases in human history. I suggest that you should be polite to everybody, and try your best to avoid doing things against propriety so as not to offend others or have enemies.
Etiquette to a society is like clothes to an individual. If an individual has no clothes on and becomes completely naked, he will be shamed and teased, and his morality will be ruined; a society with no etiquette will be in tragedy and the communication among its members will be disrupted by meaningless conflictions and dissensions. If a society acts like a train, etiquette will be like the track which the train can only run on. If a society is a carriage for honor guests, etiquette will be the wheels and axil which the carriage can move on. Without etiquette, intimate may turn to an implacable foe, and friendly states or allies can become at war. We can find many such examples in history. Therefore I advise you to follow etiquette to all individuals and try not to violate any rule so that you won’t offend others or make an enemy.
Social etiquette is like clothing to a human being. A person who bears nothing is ridiculous, and, undeniably degenerates to moral corruption. A society would collapse into chaos with no etiquette. The necessary interactions among its members would be plagued with unnecessary conflicts and controversies. Take the society as a train, the etiquette would be the tracks, upon which the train rumbles. Take the society as a VIP carriage, the etiquette would be the wheels and axles, upon which the carriage rides. Without etiquette, the best friends can descend to deadly foes; allies can turn against each other in war. Such examples are abundant in the human history. Therefore, if I may suggest, treat everyone with proper etiquette, and abide by it, so that one may never offend others or make enemies.
Etiquette to a society is just like clothes to a person. A person with proper clothes on, or a person naked in public, is not only laughable, but also unethical; likewise, a society without adequate etiquette could fall into chaos, since regular social interactions could be easily interrupted by pointless conflicts and disputes. If a society were a train, etiquette would be the rail, for the train could only move forward along the rail; if a society were a VIP coach, etiquette would be the wheels or axles, for the coach could not roll without them. Without etiquette, best friends could become deadliest enemies, friendly or allied countries could resort to war. Numerous such examples can be found in human history. Therefore, I would advice advise you to treat others with proper social etiquette, and to try your best not to break its code of conduct in order to avoid offending others or making enemies unnecessarily.
Manners to society is similar as clothes to people. If people are not wearing clothes, they would be ridiculed and deemed immoral. Similarly if a Society lacks etiquettes, the normal interactions between its members would be interrupted by unnecessary conflicts and disputes. If the society were a train, etiquettes would be tracks along which can the train only move. If the society were a wagon, manners would be wheels and axles on which the wagon would depend. Without manners, the dearest friends could turn into foes and closest allied countries could face each other at war. Many such examples can be found throughout history. Therefore, having good manners towards others and making efforts to follow etiquettes would be my advice, so that one can avoid offending anyone or making enemies.
On etiquette
Etiquette to society is like clothes to an individual. Without clothes on, he is naked and ridiculed and will result in moral hazard; without etiquette, society would be set in a miserable situation and the necessary social interaction among members would be disturbed by unnecessary inflicts and disputes. If society were a train, etiquette would be tracks only along which the train can precede; if society were a luxury carriage, etiquette would be wheels and axis only on which the carriage can move forward. While lack of etiquette, the closest friends can be enemies, friendly or allied countries can fight against each other. We can find many examples like these in history. So I advise that you always behave in good manner to anybody and try not to do things contrary to etiquette, so as to avoid offending others or making enemies.