

Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)


(2010-08-08 18:27:48) 下一個

Speak English Like An American
Lessons 1 - 25

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Idioms - Lesson 1

about to - ready to; on the verge of

after all - desite everything when everything has been considered; the fact is

at least - anyway; the good thing is that...

(to) break the news - to make something known

(to) cost an arm and leg - to be very expensive

dead-end job - a job that won't lead to anything sel

(let's) face it - accent a difficult reality

(to) give one the screeps - to create a feeling of desgust or horror

(to) go back to drawing board - to start a task over because the last try failed; to start again form the beginning

(to) go belly up - to go backrupt

(to) give someone the ax - to fire someone

(to) lose one's temper - be become very angry

(to) make up one's mind - to reach a decision; to decide

no point in - no reason to; it's not worth (doing something)

(to) put up with - to endure wihtout complaint

real flop or flop - a failure

(to) save the day - to prevent a disater or misfortune

(as) sharp as a tack - very intelligent

(to) talk over - to discuss

top dollar - the highest end of a price range; a lot of moeny

Idioms - Lesson 2

(to) change one's mind - to change one's opinion or decision

easier said than done - more difficult than you think

(to) get canned [slang] - to lose one's job; to get fired

(to) hang in there - to perservere; to not give up

if worse comes to worst - in the worst case; if absolutely neccessary

(to) keep one's chin up - to stay positive

last resort - if there are no other alternatives left; the last solution for getting out of a difficulty

(to) live from hand to mouth - to barely have enough money to survive

(to) look on the bright side - to be optimistic; to think about the positive part or aspect of a situation

(to) make ends meet - to manage on'e money so as to have enough to live on; to be okay finacially

(to) make up one's mind - see Lesson 1

out of work - unemployed; not working

right-hand man - the most helpful assistant or employee

(to) set eyes on - to look at; to see for the first time

(to) stab someone in the back - to betray someone

(to be) stressed out - under severe strain; very anxious

(to) tell off - to scold; to tell someone in strong words what one really thinks

thank goodness - I'm grateful; I'm relieved

(to) think big - to set high goals

What's the matter? - What's the problem?

When pigs fly! [slang] - never

Idioms - Lesson 3

beside the point - not relevant; not important

(to) blow something - to spoil or botch something

(to) buckle down - to start working seriously

can't stand - to hate

(to) cut class - to miss class without an excuse

Get real! - be serious or realistic about what's going on

(to) have one's heart set on - to really want something

(to) hit the books - to start studying

lost cause - something hopeless

(to) not give a hoot - to not care about

over one's head - beyond one's understanding

(to) slack off - to waste time

(to) stand a chance - to have the possibility of success

Idioms - Lesson 4

(to) butt in [slang] - to interrupt; to interfere

(to) drive one crazy - to annoy someone very much

(to) go into - to enter a profession

green with envy - desiring another's advantages or things

gung ho - very enthusiastic; very excited (about something)

head and shoulders above - far superior to

(to) hit the nail on the head - to be right

(to be) on thin ice (with someone) - to be in a dangerous postion; to be temporarily on somebody's bad side

(to) pay (someone) a compliment - to give someone a compliment; to offer someone an admiring comment

(to) shake in one's shoes - to tremble withi fear; to be afraid

shut up - 1) be quiet; stop speaking 2) Stop speaking!

Way to go! - Good work!

Idioms - Lesson 5

(to be) crazy about - to like very much

cup of tea - the type of person or thing that one generally likes

(to be) down in the dumps - to feel sad; to be depressed

(to) drop by - to pay a short, often unannounced visit

(to) hang around - to spend itme idly; to linger

hang out - to spend time (often doing nothing)

(to) have a blast [sland] - to enjoy oneself very much

(to) have a good time - to enjoy oneself

take it easy - relax; don't worry

(to) take something the wrong way - to take offense

there's no accounting for taste - it's impossible to explain individual likes and dislikes

under one's breath - quietly; in a whisper

(to be) up in the air - not yet determined; uncertain

Idioms - Lesson 6

(to) cheer someone up - to make someone happy

(to) give (someone) credit - to acknowledge someone's contribution; to recognize a positive trait in someone

(to) give credit where credit is due - to give thanks or acknowledgement to the person who deserves it

(to) go into business - to start a business

good thinking - good idea, smart planning

(to) have a beart of gold - to be very kind and giving

(to be) in a bad mood - unhappy; depressed; irritable

just what the doctor ordered - exactly what was needed

(to) make a bundle - to make a lot of money

(to be) on edge - nervous; irritable

out of this world - delicious

(to) pig out [slang] - to eat greedily; to stuff oneself

Idioms - Lesson 7

bright and early - early in the morning

crash course - short and intensive instruction

Fat chance! - definitely not

(to) give it a shot - to try something

happy camper [slang] - a happy person; a satisfied participant

(to) not sleep a wink - to be awake all night

(to) work like a dog - to work very hard

Idioms - Lesson 8
(to) beat around the bush - to talk around the subject; to avoid getting to the point
dime a dozen - so plentiful so to be nothing special; common
Good for you! - Good job!  Well done!
hard times - a time of difficulty
(to be) in good spirits - happy; in a good mood
made of money - very rich
(to) make a splash - to wn popularity quickly
(to) pay (someone) back - to repay a loan or debt
pipe dream - an unrealistic hope

Idioms - Lesson 9

brown-noser [slang] - a person who's constantly trying to win favor with people above them, such as teachers or bosses
by far - by a wide margin; by a great difference
(to) count on someone - to depend or rely on someone
(to be) crazy about - see lesson 3
full of oneself - to think too much of oneself
(to) get down to business - ot get serious about a task
(to) get or to have under one's belt - to have or to get experience
(to) give (someone) a run for (one's ) money - to be strong competition
(to) give (someone) a run for (one's) money - to be strong competition
(to) give someone the cold shoulder - to be cold to somoeone on purpose; to snub omeone
(to not) give someone the time of day - to ignore someone; to refuse ot pay any attention to someone
goody-goody - self-righteously or smugly good
it's a deal - I agree (to a proposal or offer)
(to) kid around - to joke around; to tease
(to) talk into -  to presuade; to convince
you cratch my back and I'll scratch yours - if you do me a favor; I'll do yo a favor; let's cooperate
Idioms - Lesson 10
ballpark figure - an approximate number
Don't mention it! - you're welcome
(to) figure out - to solve; to determine
from scratch - from the beginning; using al fresh ingredients rather than using a prepared mix
(to) go nuts [slang] - to react with great enthusiasm
(to) jump the gun -  to start doing something too sooon or ahead of everybody else
just kidding - talking more to get a laugh than anything
(to) make a pig of oneself [slang] - to overeat; to eat too much
(to) make timie for - to put time in one's schedule of something 
out of this world - see lesson 6
(to) roll up one's sleeves - to prepare to work
(to) sit tight - to wait patiently
(to) talk over - see lesson 7
What's up? - What's going on?  What's new?
 you can say that again - I agree with you
Idioms - Lesson 11

can't complain - things are going well; I'm  fine
(to)crunch numbers - to perform calculations (especially financial calculations)
(to) drive a hard bargain - to be tough in negotiating an agreement; to negotiate something in one's favor
(to) get the ball rolling - to get started
How's it going? - How are you?
(to) make a living - to earn enough money to support oneself 
 now you're talking - you're saying the right thing
out of the question - impossible
(to) sweeten the deal - to make an offer more attractive
take it or leave it - accept or reject an offer, usually a final one
(to) twist (someone's) arm - to persuade someone; to convince someone
worth one's while - worthy of one's effort or time

Idioms - Lesson 12
(to) bite off more than one can chew - to take on more than one is capable of; to take on too much
(to be) down in the dumps - see Lesson 5
for heaven's sake! - A way of expressing emotions such as surprise, outrage, or impatience
(to) get going - to get started on something; to set off for a destination; to leave
(to) get going - to get started on something; to set off for a desination; to leave
(to) help out - to give assistance; to help
like a chicken with its head cut off - in a hysterical manner; in a frenzy; in a very nervous way
like crazy - with great speed or enthusiasm
like crazy - with great speed or enthusiasm
like pulling teeth -very difficult
never mind - don't worry about something; forget it; it doesn't matter
(to) pitch in - to help
(to) run around - to move about quickly
things are looking up - things are  improving
Idioms - Lesson 13
all the rage - the latest fashion; popular right now
(to) call it a night - to stop an activity for the rest of the night
feel free  - go ahead and do something; don't hesitate (to do something)
(to) get out of the way - to move out of the way; to stop interferring with someone's plans or activities
(to be) in good hands - in good, competent care
(to) know one's stuff - to have an expertise in a field
(to) lend a hand - to help
(to) lose one's touch - to no longer be able to do something well
(to be) out of practice - no longer good at doing something 
(to) pick up - to acquire; to learn
sweet tooth - an enjoyment of sugary foods
(to) take a break - to stop and rest from an activity
(to) take over - to assume control
too many cooks spoil the broth - too many people involved in an activity can ruin it
tricks of the trade - clever shortcuts gained by experience
(to) work one's tail off [slang] - to work very hard

 Idioms - Lesson 14

(to) break up with (someone) - to end a relationship with a romantic partner
(to) crank out - to produce rapidly or in a routine manner
crunch time - a short period when there's high pressure to achieve a result
Give me a break! - that's riduculous; that's outraeous
go ahead - to continue; to preceed without hesitation
head over heels in love - very much in love
love at first sight - an immediate attraction
(to) make out - to kiss with much passion
Note: "Make out" also means:

  1) To manage.  How did you make out at the doctor's today?
  2) To understand or see with difficulty.  It was so foggy, I could barely make out the street signs.
  3) To prepare a check or othe payment.  Please make out a check for this month's rent.
(to be) nuts about - to like very much
(to have a) one-track mind - having all thoughts directed to just one thing or activity; focused on just one thing
(to) plus away (at something) - to proceed with a boring or routine task; to keep trying
take a break - see Lesson 13
(to) treat (someone) like dirt - to behave in a nasty way towards someone; to treat someone poorly
Lesson 15
basket case [slang] - someone or something in a useless or hopeless condition
(to have a) big head - arrogant; too pround of oneself
conventional wisdom - a widely held belief
(to) do the trick - to achieve the desired results
I'll say! - yes, definitely!
load off one's mind - a relief
look like - have the apprearance of
nervous wreck - a person feeling very worried
no wonder - it's not surprising
no wonder - it's not surprising
(to) pull an all-nighter - to stay up all night to do work
rule of thumb - a useful principle
(to) turn off - to cause to feel dislike or revulsion
what's up? - see Lesson 10

Idioms - Lesson 16
at first - in the beginning
(to) get the hang of (something) - to learn how to do something; to acquire an effective technique
(to) give (someone) a ring - to telephone someone
in any case - whatever the fact is; certainly
in person - personally; in one's phsyical presence
(to) keep posted - to provide up-to-date information
(to) learn the ropes - to learn the basics
pain in the neck - an annoyance
piece of cake - very easy
(to) round up - to gather people together
second nature - a behavior that has been practiced for so long, it seems to have been there always
to tell you the truth - to speak openly; to admit
your guess is as good as mine - I don't know; I don't know any more than you do
Idioms - Lesson 17

(to) blow it - to spoil an oppotunity
(to) burn the midnight oil - to stay up late studying or working
chitchat - casual conversation; gossip
(to) deliver the goods - to meet expectations; to do what's required
(to) do one's best - to try as hard as possible
rest assured - be sure
right away - immediately
(to) sell like hotcakes - to sell fast; to be a popular item
(to be) sitting pretty - in a good position (often financially)
sold out - completely sold
(to) take off - to become popular; to grow suddenly
tall order - a task or gaol that is difficult to achieve
Idioms - Lesson 18

big shot - a pwerful or important person
(to) fool around - to waste time; or spend it in a silly way
(to) get on one's nerves - to annoy or irritate someone
(to) get the show on the road - to start working; to begin an undertaking
(to) help out - see Lesson 12
(to) lend a hand - see Lesson 13
(to) lighten up - to stop taking things so seriously
night owl - a person who enjoys being active late at night 
Nothing doing! - Not a chance!
(to) sell like hotcakes - see Lesson 17
(to) stay up - not to go to bed; to stay awake
Way to go! - see Lesson 4

Idioms - Lesson 19
by a hair - just barely; very narrowly; by a small amount
(to) cheer up - see Lesson 6
Face it - see Lesson 1
fair and square - hostly
for sure - definitely
Get real - see Lesson 3
(to) give it one's best shot - to try as hard as one can
give me a break - see Lesson 14
(to) give up - admit defeat; to surrender
(to) go wrong - to make a mistake; to go astray; to malfunction; to work incorrectly
(to) live with it - to accept a difficult reality
(to) make a fool of oneself - to cause oneself to look stupid
(to) mess up - to make mistake; to spoil an opportunity
(to) put the blame on (someone) - to name somebody else
(to) set the record straight - to correct an in accurate account

sure thing - an outcojme that is assured
Idioms - Lesson 20
as a matter of fact - in fact; actually
(to) blow things out of proportion - to exaggerate; to make more of something than one should
(to) find out - to learn; to discover
(to) get a handle on - to gain an understanding of
(to) get one's act together - to get organized; to start operating more effectively
(to) knock oneself out - to work very hard at something (sometimes too hard)
(to) make a living - see Lesson 11
one's heart goes out to (someone) - to feel sorry for someone 
(to) rant and rave - to talk loundly, often in anger
(to) sweep (something) under the rug - to hide something, often a scandal

Idioms - Lesson 21
all over - throught; everywhere
(to) come to an agreement
in that case - under that circumstance
(to be or to get) in touch with (someone) - to be or to get in contact with (someone)
(to) look forward to - to anticipate eagerly
(to) make one's day - to give one great satisfaction
(to be) nuts about - see Lesson 14
nuts and bolts - details; basic components of something
on a shoestring - on a very low budget
track record - a record of achievements or performances
(to) work out - to find a solution; to resolve
Note: "Work out" has several other meanings, including:
  1. succeed; prove effective.  This plan won't work out - you'll need to go back to the drawing board and work out a new plan.
  2. endure; last.  Tony and Angela argue al the time.  I don't think their marriage will work out.
  3. exercise.  After working out at the gym of two hours, Scott could barely walk.
Idioms - Lesson 22
better off - in a more fortunate position
(to) buy out - to purchase an entire business or someone's share of a business
cup of tea - see Lesson 5
dragon lady - a nasty woman who misuses her power 
(to) get it - to understand
it looks like - it's likely that 
no laughing matter - nothing to joke about; something serious
nothing to do with (someone or something) - not have any relationship with someone; to not get involved with something
 rolling in dough - very rich
 (to) sell like hotcakes - see Lesson 17
 (to) strike it rich - to attain sudden financial success
that's the way the cookie crumbles - that's the way things go somoetimes and there's nothing  you can do about it
What's the matter? - see Lesson 2
Idioms - Lesson 23

at first - see Lesson 16
(to) burn someone up - to make someone angry
come on in - enter
Note: this is a more conversational way of saying "come in."
(to) get plastered [slang] - to get drunk
(to) get rid of - to free oneself of; to throw out
(to) get (something) straight - to clarify; to understand
(to) hold a grudge against (someone) - to stay angry with someone about a past offense
(to) let (someone) go - to fire; dismiss employees
(to) level with (someone) - to speak openly and honestly with someone
(to) lose one's head - to lost control of one's behavior; to not know what one is doing
no hard feelings - no anger; no bitterness
no use crying over spilt milk - there's no point in regretting something that's too later to change
Not on your life! - definitely not
on the job - at work
small fortune - a good amoutn of money
(to) stop by - to pay a quick visit 
three sheets to the wind - drunk 
well off - wealthy; financially secure

Idioms - Lesson 24
all along - throughout; from beginning to end
all better - completely cured
as a matter of fact - see Lesson 20
(to) buy (some) time - to make more time available (in order to achieve a certain purpose)
(to) chill out [slang] - to relax
(to be) crazy about - see Lesson 5
(to) cut it out - stop it; sto the annoying behavior
first things first - let's focus on the most important thing or task first
for sure - see Lesson 19
(to) freak out [slang] - to respond to something irrationally or crazily; to overreact
(to be) in charge of - having responsibility for
in progress - happening; under away; going on now
(to) make a fortune - to make a lot of money
(to be) sick and tired of - completely bored with; sick of 
Idioms - Lesson 25
Big deal! - So what?  That doesn't really matter.
(to) break into - to enter or be let into a prefession
Note: "Break into" has several other meanings
  1. Interrunpt. Boris and I were talking.  Please don't try to break into our conversation.
  2. Enter illegally or by force.  Somebody broke int oPeter's hourse and stole his DVD player.
  3. To suddenly begin an activity, such as singing.  After receiving the check from the National Cookie company, Susan broke into song.
Cream of the crop - the best of a group
(to) foot the bill - to pay
(to) get it - see Lesson 21
(to be) out of it - not aware or knowledgeable about trends or modern habits
spending money - money for minor expenses
(to) wine and dine - to take someone out for an evening or an expensive meal
(to be on a ) wnning streak - series of wins
(to) wrap up - to finish

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