《劍橋高階英語學習詞典》(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary) 3rd [光盤鏡像]
英文名稱:Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
資源類型:光盤鏡像 [ISO]
版 本:3rd
地 區:英國

簡 介:本詞典為享譽全球的《劍橋國際英語詞典》(Cambridge International Dictionary of English)的全新升級版本。它以劍橋國際英語語料庫(CIC)中逾7億詞條為藍本,並參考了劍橋英語學習者語料庫(CLC)中劍橋測試係統的原始語料精心編纂而成,是中、高級英語學習者必備的權威英語工具書。
- 收錄詞目、短語共170,000餘條。
- 提供25,000項詞條搭配,並附400項搭配用法指導。
- 突出詞頻,按詞匯使用頻率分為三級,方便讀者實際應用。
- 收錄最新詞匯(如greenwash, dirty bomb, blog),緊跟語言發展潮流。
- 16頁全彩圖解,21頁實用英語知識專項研析。
- 立足著名的劍橋英語學習者語料庫,提供200項常見錯誤分析,幫助讀者杜絕語言錯誤。
- 多義項詞條獨立呈現,並提供導向詞標識,方便快速查閱定位。
- 釋義簡潔,用常見2,000基礎詞匯解釋所有詞條,通俗易懂。
- 附贈光盤,全麵提升聽、說、讀、寫各項英語技能。
- 覆蓋該詞典中所有詞條。
- 提供數千條補充例句。
- Smart Thesaurus功能可瞬間將本詞典變為同義詞典,幫助快速定位所需的恰當詞匯。
- 每詞均配有英式及美式發音,並提供練習工具幫助糾正發音。
- Super Write功能提供寫作的語法、拚寫及搭配的實時協助。
- 強大的複製與粘貼功能,讓本詞典真正成為讀者自己的個性化詞典。
A brand new edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner\'s Dictionary and CD-ROM, that is now more user-friendly than ever. Clear definitions and prominent guidewords help you find the meaning you want quickly and easily. Hundreds of new words ensure your English is up to date. And \'Word partner\' boxes show you how to use words in the most natural way.
★NEW! \'Extra help\' section includes maps, illustrations and photos, and the innovative \'Let\'s Talk\' section which focuses specifically on spoken English
★NEW! Even more Learner Error notes taken from the Cambridge Learner Corpus help you to avoid common mistakes
★NEW! Thesaurus panels help you widen your vocabulary
This brand new edition features hundreds of new words, and \'Word partner\' boxes to help you use words in the most natural way. NEW features include: \'Extra help\' section including maps, illustrations and photos innovative \'Talk\' section, focusing on spoken English more Learner Error notes from the Cambridge Learner Corpus * thesaurus panels The CD-ROM contains the whole dictionary, with thousands of example sentences; recordings of every word in British and American English; extra collocation information; the unique SMART thesaurus and QUICKfind, a mini pop-up dictionary. Interactive exercises include real past papers from IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE and BEC.
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