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Concerto Music

(2011-06-16 19:50:09) 下一個

Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4, 1st Movement - One of Beethoven's best work. It is one of the best concertos even though it was not composed to the ideal flow that the soloist and the orchestra, alternate episodes of opposition, cooperation, and independence.

Vivaldi Flute Concerto in G Minor - Simple but beautiful flute concerto, even though it is just solo flute with accompaniment of an orchestra. I was looking for a horn concerto but came across this one.

Haydn Trumpet Concerto, 3rd Movement - The music is a perfect demonstration of Haydn's sophisticatedly gentle, clear, and smooth style. The solo trumpet almost runs throguh the entire movement with just a little bit of decoration of orchestra.

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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複秀山的評論:

秀山 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:

這首曲子包含著很多貝多芬的音樂特點和內容. 但我覺得它更多地表現了一種清新愉悅, 充滿夢幻的境界, 同時全段音樂又在親切和諧的氣氛中行進. 還有一些非常奇妙的音樂變換是貝多芬其他音樂不多見的. 從中我們處處感受到大師超人的音樂創造力.

我想貝多芬第五協奏曲要比這首第四協奏曲更有名, 但我更喜歡著首.
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 秀山,

感謝你的分享和推薦,我尤其喜歡[Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4, 1st Movement],我還去[Wikipedia]上查詢了鋼琴演奏家Krystian Zimerman,指揮家Leonard Bernstein,和樂隊Wiener Philharmoniker的相關介紹呢。


Krystian Zimerman (born December 5, 1956) is a Polish classical pianist who is widely regarded as one of the finest living pianists.

Leonard Bernstein ( August 25, 1918 – October 14, 1990) was an American conductor, composer, author, music lecturer and pianist. He was among the first conductors born and educated in the United States of America to receive worldwide acclaim. According to The New York Times, he was "one of the most prodigiously talented and successful musicians in American history." In addition, he was a skilled pianist,often conducting while performing piano concertos simultaneously. As a composer he was prolific, writing symphonies, ballet music, operas, chamber music, pieces for the piano, other orchestral and choral works, and other concert and incidental music, but the tremendous success of West Side Story remained unequaled by his other compositions.

The Vienna Philharmonic (in German: Wiener Philharmoniker) is an orchestra in Austria, regularly considered one of the finest in the world.Its home base is the Musikverein. The members of the orchestra are chosen from the Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera. This process is a long one, with each musician having to prove his or her capability for a minimum of three years' playing for the Opera and Ballet. Once this is achieved the musician can then ask the Board of the Wiener Philharmoniker to consider an application for a position in the Vienna Philharmonic.