netliuying (熱門博主)
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Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡

(2016-09-23 06:06:53) 下一個


Castle in the clouds, "雲中城堡"坐落在New Hampshire州Ossipee山脈中Mount Roberts山頂上,雖然叫城堡,其實就是個占據山上最美觀景點的一個豪宅。從城堡遠眺,可以將山腳下Winnipesaukee湖和Ossipee山脈的湖光山色盡收眼底。城堡裏麵的裝飾樸實無華,算是流行的工匠藝術風格。比起New port的豪宅,這裏讓人有種舒適和隨意的親切感,加上風景秀美,怪不得經常會吸引很多新人來此操辦婚禮。

Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客



Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客



Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 雲中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客

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