Emma's Jokes
(2010-10-12 17:00:28)
Q: Why did the baseball game get cancelled?
A: Because all the players ran home!
Q: What kind of printer has two ears?
A: A copy cat!
Emma was 3 years old. One day I told her that Chinese invented numbers.
A few days later, I asked her who invented numbers. She said:" Me! ".
Emma was in her first grade. One day when she came home from school, she said that she told James that she was in love with him. I said:"Why?". She said:" Because I've been in love with him for such a long time since kindergarten.".
Emma was surprised when she found that the Barbie doll's last name is Roberts. She said:" I just can't believe it! My best friend Layla Roberts is related to a doll!"
I was helping Emma wash her hair. I put shampoo on her head. Then I began to comb her hair when I heard her shout:
"Mommy! Are you gonna shave my head!"
媽媽:Emma, 你們班Jack是老大吧?
Emma: Mom, I don't think Jack is old. He's not big either!
Emma 在讀一本有關泰國文化的書。
Emma: Mommy, what's monk?
Mommy: Monk 就是和尚,出家人。他們不吃肉的,吃素。
Emma: OMG! They eat trees!