配樂:改編的鋼琴小提琴《梁祝》 鋼琴: 兒子; 小提琴:父親
正值聖誕節時分,兒子在家,我也有時間。兒子學琴幾年,我從未與他有過音樂合作, 應該有個紀念!
我把這段音樂與大家分享。我不會忘卻的是,這個曲子的左手伴奏部分是我編寫的,頗有特色;這是我和兒子的唯一一次音樂合作;今後我們不可能再有這樣的合作了。隨著兒子長大,隨著兒子讀大學,參加工作,獨立生活,我們的空間距離會漸行漸遠;我們的情感距離也一樣,會漸行漸遠。鷹,大了,總會要獨自翱翔高空, 總是要飛遠的!
2015 08 01 因思念在中國旅遊的兒子而作
My son Zheyu (Jackie) started learning piano at 7 and his teacher was me. Never had I even seen the piano when I was in China, how could I teach him the piano?
I went to China and bought a couple of books costing almost one thousand ¥yuan. With practical accordion playing experience, piano theories, and piano textbooks, I taught him for three years.
Three years later, I got a Russian teacher for him. After listening to his favorite piece June (Barcarolle) 《船歌》by Tchaikovsky, the bearded Russian, smiling, " Let him start from grade eight plus."
Zhe YU (Jackie) succeeded in grade 10 exam in one year and half. Happily released, I know it is his own choice now whether to continue or quit. As is known it is not easy to make a living by music, particularly in foreign countries.
Heavy snow was that winter. After someone moved, left was a violin without a case, the sound-support of the violin lost, and a number of horse hair dropped off. Quite excited, I talked to myself profoundly: oh, already no touch of the violin for over 30 years!
It was Christmas time. Jackie was home and I also have time. I had never had any music concert with my son albeit he had learnt piano for years. We should play together for just one time in memory of the father and the son's music experience.
Editing the accompanying part for the left hand, I put into the staff the Chinese well-known piece Liang Zhu, China’s Romeo and Julia. Therefore my son and I finally had the first instrument ensemble. It was also the last ensemble.
After entering the high school, Jackie was selected to be a member of the basketball team, which, I think,, seemed a strange combination of circumstances. Gradually taking moretime in basketball-playing and games as well, my son stood off the piano far and far away.
Thus the only recording of father-son’s concert becomes more and more treasurable and lasting.
When sharing the music with everyone, it is unforgettable for me that the accompanying part for the left hand,which shows different characteristics from others, was composed by me that day.
這是我和兒子的唯一一次音樂合作;今後我們不可能再有這樣的合作了。隨著兒子長大,隨著兒子讀大學,參加工作,獨立生活,我們的空間距離會漸行漸遠;我們的情感距離也一樣,會漸行漸遠。鷹,大了,總會要獨自翱翔高空, 總是要飛遠的!