
Life is so much fun, we just need to go out and explore...

2014 倫敦隨筆(6) 古老的教堂

(2014-11-30 14:02:10) 下一個

1-聖保羅大教堂(St. Paul's Cathedral)是英國最大的教堂,也是世界第二大圓頂教堂,僅次於梵蒂岡的聖彼得大教堂。聖保羅教堂的晚間崇拜是Thomas Cranmer 大主教首先開始的;是一個從十五世紀開始持續至今全年都有的晚間崇拜活動。

聖保羅大教堂的穹頂:在耳語廊照了這張照片後,看到不許拍照的提示 :(




1045年英格蘭國王“懺悔者”愛德華答應教皇去聖地朝聖卻沒有去,為了“贖罪”,他應教皇要求在此興建新的教堂獻給聖彼得, 教堂建成後不久,愛德華就去世了。因為對基督教信仰有無比的虔誠,愛德華被稱作懺悔者,並在1161年被封聖。十月十八日是紀念愛德華的朝聖禱告日。下麵是從西敏寺網站的轉載:

St Edward the Confessor National Pilgrimage Saturday 18 October 2014 from 9.00 am

The annual pilgrimage day offers a unique opportunity to visit the Abbey along with other pilgrims to experience its beauty and space in a prayerful atmosphere. Most importantly, all our pilgrims will have the opportunity to pray at the Shrine of St Edward - the only shrine in this country which still contains the body of the saint.

All our pilgrims are offered a prayer tour which takes them into every part of the Abbey, its precincts and gardens - so you will see the stunning Lady Chapel, the Royal Tombs, Poet's Corner, the Chapter House, the Museum and the College Garden which now has a special herb garden where you can sit on a Camomile bench and take in the fragrant scents of the herbs and flowers. Activities for children will be offered in the Education Centre and around the Abbey and its precincts. School groups are very welcome.

During the course of the day priests will be on duty for individual spiritual counselling and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In addition there will be regular opportunities to renew Baptism Promises and to participate in Healing Liturgies with the Laying on of Hands and Anointing, a lecture will be given on the life of St Edward, and walking pilgrims will be welcomed with a foot washing rite.


這幾個教堂建築設計優雅、完美,內部靜謐、安詳。 會眾們以音樂,詩歌,和禱告來敬拜神。聽著優美的的管風琴,唱著聖歌,感到異常的平靜和滿足。

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