
Life is so much fun, we just need to go out and explore...

2014 倫敦隨筆-(5)皇家公園半馬拉鬆及隨感

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後續:馬拉鬆是個全民運動。太陽狗和霹靂貓經過四年的訓練,深深的愛上了這個運動。今年夏天,他們和隊友分享了“Why do we like to run?". 下麵是從他們跑步組織周報上的摘抄:

Why do you run?
This week's story comes to us from a husband and wife team Sunnydog and Thundercat.

It's always great to see family members run together. Sunnydog and Thundercat have come a long way in just a few years. They are both a joy to run with and talk to. I recall first seeing Thundercat run Morgan Hill marathon a couple years ago, she was always smiling and taking pictures as she ran along. Now she has gotten too fast! All the pictures she takes during a race would be too blurry! ;-)

Next time you see them out on the trail say "hi" and share your story. Of course keeping up with them is a big challenge, so maybe having coffee with them after the run is more practical!

Here is their story...
Why do we like to run?

Life is about making new friends, learning new things, and leaving footprints. Running is one of the best hobbies and it fits in our lives perfectly.

Human beings all have untapped potential. We learn through running that when we pushed harder, we ran longer and better. After becoming marathoners, we became more positive and more courageous to take on new challenges in our lives.

Running also changed our life style. It normally takes more than three month to prepare for a marathon. The preparation process, include training, nutrition, and rest, determines how well we run a race. We are more motivated and disciplined to get up early and eat healthy. We believe running is a great way start our day and to explore a city when we travel the world.

Runners are the best friends; on the trail, we talk about running and many other things. We have learned a lot from our running buddies and are always inspired by their stories. After training runs on Saturday, we normally go get coffee. "Running for coffee" has been a true incentive for us to finish some tough runs.

Also, a few of us from our group decided to run the six world marathon majors (Boston, Chicago, NYC, Berlin, London, and a Tokyo) and then maybe run one marathon in each of the seven continents. We traveled together to Boston, Chicago, Berlin, and London and really enjoyed the companionship and the fun experience.

As amateur runners, we are not racing against other people but only competing with ourselves. Our favorite running quote is:

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."

-Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder

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