  • 博客訪問:

The Mystery of the Busted Racecar

(2009-11-14 19:50:23) 下一個

Today I was racing the clock to arrive at the one - thousandth NASCAR race. As I was speeding down the road in a fury, I saw a gigantic stadium with a huge banner on top that said: NASCAR RACE TRACK. I was exceptionally jubilant to finally arrive at my destination


When I peered down from the seat I rented, I saw numerous racers including my favorite race car driver, David Jackson.


The refry took his signaling gun and shot it in the air, it meant a signal to start; David Jackson drove in anger despite starting late. Suddenly, towards the back of his car, there was a deafening BANG and then came a gigantic explosion. Everybody screamed in horror as he was catapulted out of his car and landed toward the left side of the stadium.


As I rushed to take a look at him, I heard some passing people say that he broke his arm; he fractured his right foot, his left leg and five ribs. People also said he suffered a horrible concussion.


The next day, I looked at the front page of the newspaper and I read the headline, it said:


Below it I saw a picture of him in the hospital, he didn’t look anything like the famous race car driver, instead he looked like a mummy. However, when I finished reading the article, I found out that investigators had figured out that the cap that’s screwed onto the fuselage fell off and the detectives had said that only a strong person could unscrew the fuel tank’s top.  The article also said that if the cap fell off, the fuel spilled into the pistons, the entire race car would have blown up.


Today I was listening to the radio when I heard that a lady witnessed a man climbing onto the right side of a NASCAR trailer and cutting a 4 foot wide gash in it. Security Cameras tell of a ninja like person that cut open the side of a race car before putting his hand over the camera, afterwards there was nothing but blank, investigators think the villain tried to slice the camera and there is evidence of a knife mark.     


Soon, the FBI started gathering evidence, a month later; police found out the villain was going next in a private hideout deep in the woods. A week later the sheriff came and started chasing the trailer (that was now disappearing into the sunset) with his police car.


It soon became clear to me that this was going to be a long chase (it looked as if the villain hijacked the trailer). The sheriff zoomed through the highway, nearly crashing into every car in front of him.


As dusk turned to night, I could see the police car and the trailer run into the sunset, just then, I felt as if something was watching me. I looked at the road side and saw a cop under a street light; he gave me a warm smile as I passed by.


That evening I found out what the conclusion of the chase was. The villain went to the downtown area before crashing onto a sidewalk on a dead end. He slammed onto the airbag and was knocked cold. The police found him and dragged him to jail.


The next day, investigators closed the case.















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