

係統信息:biotech is the place to hide for long side. (DNA, BLUD)

(2008-07-24 14:54:13) 下一個
ACM: AECOM Technology Corporation  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
AEM: Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd.  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 62.39.    stage 33
AFSI: Amtrust Financial Services Inc (NY)   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
AGU: Agrium Inc.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 23
AMGN: Amgen Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
AMX: America Movil S.A.B. de C.V.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41AMZN: Amazon.com Inc.  run away gap up. stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 43BIDU: Baidu.com Inc  run away gap up. stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 43
BIIB: Biogen Idec Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
BLUD: Immucor Inc.  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 29.85.
   stage 21
BNI: Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp.  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 43
BOOM: Dynamic Materials Corp  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 43
BRCM: Broadcom Corp.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 25.07.    stage 13
BX: The Blackstone Group  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
C: Citigroup Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
CAM: Cameron International Corporation  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
CELG: Celgene Corporation  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
CHL: China Mobile Limited   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 42
CIEN: CIENA Corp  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
CMED: China Medical Technologies Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 31
CMG: Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 76.00.    stage 41
CMI: Cummins Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
CNH: CNH Global NV   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
CROX: CROCS Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 21
CTRP: Ctrip.com International Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
CYNO: Cynosure, Inc.   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 12
DSX: Diana Shipping Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
DWSN: Dawson Geophysical Co.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
EDU: New Oriental Education & Technology Group  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 13
EEM: iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 44.00.    stage 43
EJ: E-House (China) Holdings Limited  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
EMC: EMC Corporation  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 43
EWZ: iShares MSCI Brazil Index   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
EXM: Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
EZPW: Ezcorp Inc  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 21
FXP: PROSHARES US FTSE/XI (FXP)  stock follows through from BKFS state. buy some.stage 32
FCX: Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 43
FIG: Fortress Investment Group LLC  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
FNM: Fannie Mae  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 42
FMCN: Focus Media Holding Ltd  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
FOSL: Fossil Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43FSTR: LB Foster Co.  run away gap up. stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 33
FWLT: Foster Wheeler, Ltd.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
FXI: iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index   run away gap down. stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 21
GA: Giant Interactive Group, Inc.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
GLD: streetTRACKS Gold Shares  stock follows through from BKFS state. buy some.stage 23
GME: GameStop Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
GNK: Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd.  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 13
GSOL: Global Sources Ltd.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
HDB: HDFC Bank Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
HLF: Herbalife Ltd.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
HPQ: Hewlett-Packard Co.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
IBM: International Business Machines Corp.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
ICE: IntercontinentalExchange Inc  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
ILMN: Illumina Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 32
INFN: Infinera Corp.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
ISRG: Intuitive Surgical Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 32
LFC: China Life Insurance Co. Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 12
LWAY: Lifeway Foods Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 42
MA: MasterCard Incorporated   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
MBT: Mobile Telesystems OJSC   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
MDY: MidCap SPDRs  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
MGM: MGM Mirage   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
MOS: Mosaic Co.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
MPEL: Melco PBL Entertainment (Macau) LTD.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
MR: Mindray Medical International Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
MT: Arcelor Mittal  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 78.12.    stage 41
NEM: Newmont Mining Corp  stock follows through from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 32
NILE: Blue Nile Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
NMX: NYMEX Holdings Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43NOK: Nokia Corp.  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 27.19stage 13
NOV: National Oilwell Varco, Incorporated   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
NTES: Netease.com Inc  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 22.99.
   stage 43
NYX: NYSE Group, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
OSIP: OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc.  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 50.9.
   stage 21
OSK: Oshkosh Truck Corp.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
PBR: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
PCU: Southern Copper Corp  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
PCZ: Petro-Canada  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
POT: Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, Inc.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
RIG: Transocean Inc  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 31
RIMM: Research In Motion Ltd.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
RIO: Companhia Vale do Rio Doce   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
RVBD: RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
SBUX: Starbucks Corp.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
SFD: Smithfield Foods Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
SHLD: Sears Holdings Corp  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
SID: Companhia Siderurgica Nacional  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
SIGM: Sigma Designs Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
SINA: Sina Corp.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
SLB: Schlumberger Ltd  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
SNCR: Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 32
SNDA: Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
SNP: China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
SPY: SPDRs  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
STI: SunTrust Banks Inc.  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 43
SYMC: Symantec Corporation  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
SYNA: Synaptics Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
TOL: Toll Brothers Inc.   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 33
TSL: Trina Solar Ltd.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
UA: Under Armour, Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
UAUA: UAL Corporation  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
UTHR: United Therapeutics Corp.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11VDSI: VASCO Data Security International Inc.  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 12.17stage 21
VSEC: VSE Corp.  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 37.74.
   stage 21
WDC: Western Digital Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
WFMI: whole Foods Market Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
WFR: MEMC Electronic Materials Inc.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 46.95.    stage 41
WGOV: Woodward Governor Co.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 32
WYNN: Wynn Resorts Ltd.  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 42
X: United States Steel Corp.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
ZOLT: Zoltek Companies Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
ABAX: Abaxis Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
ADSK: Autodesk Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
AET: Aetna Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 43
AGN: Allergan Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
AIR: AAR Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
AKS: AK Steel Holding Corp.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
ANSS: Ansys, Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
APC: Anadarko Petroleum Corp.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
APEI: American Public Education, Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
APOL: Apollo Group Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
ARO: Aeropostale Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
ATLS: Atlas America Inc.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41BABY: Natus Medical Inc.  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 23.65stage 21
BCR: CR Bard Inc.   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 92.5.
   stage 32
BLK: BlackRock, Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
CCH: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 25.95.    stage 11
CHU: China Unicom Ltd.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 20.40.    stage 22
CNQR: Concur Technologies, Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
COIN: Converted Organics Inc   stock follow through day 2,3.... still going down. sellstage 41
CSIQ: Canadian Solar Inc.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
CVD: Covance Inc.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
CYBS: CyberSource Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
DE: Deere & Co.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
DECK: Deckers Outdoor Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
DIA: DIAMONDS Trust, Series 1  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
DLB: Dolby Laboratories Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
DUG: UltraShort Oil & Gas ProShares (DUG)  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 36.59.
   stage 21
DXD: UltraShort Dow30 ProShares   stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.stage 33
DXPE: DXP Enterprises Inc  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 32
EGN: Energen Corp.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
EMR: Emerson Electric Co.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
EOG: EOG Resources, Inc.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
FLS: Flowserve Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
FRE: Freddie Mac  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 42FTE: France Telecom   run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 30.10stage 13
GDX: Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 23
GGB: Gerdau S.A.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
GIGM: GigaMedia Ltd.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
GILD: Gilead Sciences Inc  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
GOLD: Randgold Resources Ltd.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 48.00.    stage 23
GTI: GrafTech International Ltd.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
HLEX: Healthextras Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
HMSY: HMS Holdings Corp.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
HRBN: Harbin Electric, Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
HUM: Humana Inc.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
IBN: ICICI Bank Ltd.  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
ICON: Iconix Brand Group Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
INFA: Informatica Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
INP: iPath MSCI India Index ETN  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
IRIS: IRIS International Inc.  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 16.79.
   stage 21
ITG: Investment Technology Group Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42IVGN: Invitrogen Corp.  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 42.53stage 21
JCG: J. Crew Group, Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
JPM: JPMorgan Chase & Co  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 42
JST: Jinpan International Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41KEX: Kirby Corp.  run away gap up. stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 43
LEAP: Leap Wireless International Inc. (LEAP)  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
LEH: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
LNN: Lindsay Corporation  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
LOGI: Logitech International SA  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
MATK: Martek Biosciences Corp.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 13
MCK: McKesson Corp.  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 33
MCRS: Micros Systems Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
MDR: McDermott International Inc.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
MEE: Massey Energy Co.  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
MF: MF Global Ltd  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 6.66.
   stage 43
MTL: Mechel Open Joint Stock   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
MTW: Manitowoc Co. Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
MUR: Murphy Oil Corp.  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
NE: Noble Corp.  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
NEU: NewMarket Corp  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
NGS: Natural Gas Services Group Inc.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
NKE: Nike Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
OMCL: Omnicell Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
OMG: OM Group Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
ORCL: Oracle Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
OXPS: optionsXpress Holdings, Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 32
PFWD: Phase Forward Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 13
PHM: Pulte Homes Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
PWRD: Perfect World Co., Ltd.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
PKX: POSCO  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
PT: Portugal Telecom SGPS SA  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
PTR: PetroChina Co. Ltd.  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11QCOM: QUALCOMM Inc.  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 51.60stage 11
RATE: Bankrate Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
ROLL: RBC Bearings Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
RRC: Range Resources Corp.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
SCC: UltraShort Consumer Services ProShares   stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.stage 11
SDS: UltraShort S&P500 ProShares  stock follows through from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 22
SIAL: Sigma-Aldrich Corp.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
SLV: iShares Silver Trust  run away gap down. stock follow through day 1. sell more at around 17.39.
   stage 23
SNE: Sony Corp.   stock follows through from TP1 state. buy some.stage 33SOHU: Sohu.com Inc.  run away gap up. stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 11
SRCL: Stericycle Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 31
SRS: UltraShort Real Estate ProShares   stock follows through from BKFS state. buy some.stage 31
SSRI: Silver Standard Resources Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 13
SWN: Southwestern Energy Co.  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
SXE: Stanley, Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
TDG: TransDigm Group Incorporated  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 43
TEF: Telefonica SA  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 11
TITN: Titan Machinery, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
TK: TEEKAY CORP  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
TMB: Telemig Celular Participacoes S.A.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
TNE: Tele Norte Leste Participacoes S.A.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
TNP: Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
TSCM: TheStreet.com, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
TWGP: Tower Group Inc  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 43
TWM: UltraShort Russell2000 ProShares   stock follows through from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
UNH: Unitedhealth Group, Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
UNP: Union Pacific Corp.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
VIVO: Meridian Bioscience Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
WCG: WellCare Health Plans, Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
WTW: Weight Watcher's International Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
ABB: ABB Grain Ltd  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 27.40.    stage 11
ACGY: Acergy SA  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 16.58.    stage 41
AFAM: Almost Family Inc.  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 31.91.
   stage 21
AMED: Amedisys Inc.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
BBH: Biotech HOLDRs  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
BHI: Baker Hughes Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
BHP: BHP Billiton Ltd.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 72.15.    stage 41
BVN: Compania de Minas Buenaventura SA   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 12
CAL: Continental Airlines, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 13
CAT: Caterpillar Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
CHRW: CH Robinson Worldwide Inc.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 11
CLF: Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 21
CNQ: Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
COH: Coach Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
CPRT: Copart Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
CSX: CSX Corp.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
CVX: Chevron Corp.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
DGP: DB Gold Double Long   stock follows through from BKFS state. buy some.stage 23
DNA: Genentech Inc.  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 94.51.
   stage 21
DNR: Denbury Resources Inc.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
DV: DeVry, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
DZZ: DB Gold Double Short  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
ECA: EnCana Corp.  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
EFU: Ultrashort MSCI EAFE Proshares  stock follows through from BKFS state. buy some.stage 23
ENER: Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 65.42.    stage 11
ERES: e research  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
ESI: ITT Educational Services Inc.   run away gap up. stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 95.45.
EXBD: Corporate Executive Board Co. Corporate Executive Board Co.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 38.57.    stage 41
FDG: Fording Canadian Coal Trust  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
FDX: FedEx Corporation  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
FEED: AgFeed Industries, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
FLR: Fluor Corporation  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 43
FMC: FMC Corp.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
FTO: Frontier Oil Corp.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
GHM: Graham Corp.  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 83.94.    stage 23
GNA: Gerdau AmeriSteel Corp.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
GU: Gushan Environmental Energy Limited  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 42
GYMB: Gymboree Corp.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
HAS: Hasbro Inc.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
HK: Petrohawk Energy Corp.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 32
HOS: Hornbeck Offshore Services Inc.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
HRS: Harris Corp.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
INFY: Infosys Technologies Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
JRCC: James River Coal Co.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
KSU: Kansas City Southern  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
LH: Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 67.82.    stage 11
MASI: Masimo Corporation  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
MELI: Mercadolibre, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
MRVL: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 14.80.    stage 33
MSB: Mesabi Trust  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 31
MVL: Marvel Entertainment, Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
NBL: Noble Energy, Inc.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
NDSN: Nordson Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 12
NETL: NetLogic Microsystems Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
NIHD: NII Holdings Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
NSC: Norfolk Southern Corp.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 32
NU: Northeast Utilities  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
NUE: Nucor Corp.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
PRGO: Perrigo Co.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 13
PSEM: Pericom Semiconductor Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
PSYS: Psychiatric Solutions, Inc.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 31
PX: Praxair Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
QLD: Qltra qqq proshares ETF  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
RHT: Red Hat Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
RMBS: Rambus Inc.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
ROM: Ultra Technology ProShares  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 33
ROYL: Royale Energy Inc.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 31
RTH: Retail HOLDRs  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 43
RTP: Rio Tinto plc  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
RXL: Ultra Health Care ProShares   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 13
SCHN: Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc.   stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
SDA: Sadia S.A.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 12
SDP: UltraShort Utilities ProShares   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 60.
   stage 21
SIJ: UltraShort Industrials ProShares   stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.stage 33
SINO: Sino-Global Shipping America, Ltd.   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 42
SM: St. Mary Land & Exploration Co.   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
SMN: UltraShort Basic Materials ProShares  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 36.47.
   stage 21
SPW: SPX Corporation   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 33
SQNM: Sequenom Inc.   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 21
STLD: Steel Dynamics Inc  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
SU: Suncor Energy Inc  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
SZK: UltraShort Consumer Goods ProShares   stock follows through from BKFS state. buy some.stage 32
TAN: solar etf  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 23.39.    stage 41
TEX: Terex Corp.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41
TLT: iShares Lehman 20+ Year Treas Bond (TLT)  stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.stage 11
TS: Tenaris SA  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 32
TTES: T-3 Energy Services Inc.  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 31
TTH: Telecom HOLDRs   stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 41
UDN: PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bearish  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 13
UGE: Ultra Consumer Goods ProShares  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.stage 11
UPS: United Parcel Service Inc.  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 43
UNG: United States Natural Gas  stock follow through day 2,3.... still going down. sellstage 41
UPW: Ultra Utilities ProShares  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
UYM: Ultra Basic Materials ProShares  stock breaks down. ready to sellstage 41
V: VISA INC. CLASS A (V)  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 41VISN: VisionChina Media Inc.   stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothingstage 21
WMS: WMS Industries Inc.  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.stage 11
WSCI: WSI Industries Inc.   run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 7.28.    stage 11
XEC: Cimarex Energy Co  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell allstage 41
XLK: Technology Select Sector SPDR (XLK)  stock continues going up from FTDT0 state. buy some.stage 41
XLP: Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 11
XLV: Health Care Select Sector SPDR  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.stage 13
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