There are three best situations or points to buy a stock during a stock's movement cycle:
1. breakout from stage1 to stage 2.
a: 突破前要有一定時間的盤整,越長越好
b: 突破時要有交易量的放大,越大約好
c: 股價要運行在50 天MA 線上
d: 其RS 線要有向上的趨勢

2. pull back to the breakout point with light volume.
AGU 在A點突破,B處形成一短期高。目前縮量回調在C點,為一好的買點

3. breakout from a continuation pattern duning a stage 2 phase.
MOS 已處於stage 2 強勢上漲,突破B處將為一好的買點