
  • 博客訪問:

system message china 08/28/2007

(2007-08-28 01:12:06) 下一個

600000: 上海浦東發展銀行股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600009: 上海國際機場股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600015: 華夏銀行股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600016: 中國民生銀行股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600028: 中國石油化工股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 16.25.
   volume is 23.25% higher than average. Avg Vol:1574042.00

600036: 招商銀行股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600048: 保利房地產(集團)股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600050: 中國聯合通信股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 7.47.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:3528051.00

600058: 五礦發展股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600066: 鄭州宇通客車股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 29.72.
   volume is 45.21% higher than average. Avg Vol:28344.00

600096: 雲南雲天化股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600104: 上海汽車股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.
600107  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 23.47

600110: 中科英華高技術股份有限公司   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600120:add name later  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600132: 重慶啤酒股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600192: 蘭州長城電工股份有限公司  stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.

600221: 海南航空股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600255: 安徽鑫科新材料股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 13.7.
   volume is 247.26% higher than average. Avg Vol:66266.00

600316: 江西洪都航空工業股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 42.
   volume is 32.97% higher than average. Avg Vol:41049.00

600320: 上海振華港口機械(集團)股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600336: 青島澳柯瑪股份有限公司   stock follows through from FTDT0 state. buy some.

600340: 浙江國祥製冷工業股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600346: 大連橡膠塑料機械股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600355:add name later  stock breaks down. ready to sell
600362  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 41.54

600390: 金瑞新材料科技股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600392: 太原理工天成科技股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600397: 沈陽金山能源股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600436: 漳州片仔癀藥業股份有限公司  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 39.50.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:12305.00

600452: 重慶涪陵電力實業股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600456: 寶雞鈦業股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600467: 山東好當家海洋發展股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.
600472  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 63.01

600489: 中金黃金股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 91.3.
   volume is 74.67% lower than average. Avg Vol:30876.00

600500: 中化國際(控股)股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 19.5.
   volume is 87.50% higher than average. Avg Vol:208331.00

600508: 上海大屯能源股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600533: 南京棲霞建設股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600547: 山東黃金礦業股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 123.5.
   volume is 41.29% higher than average. Avg Vol:14783.00

600549: 廈門鎢業股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600558: 四川大西洋焊接材料股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600569: 安陽鋼鐵股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600572: 浙江康恩貝製藥股份有限公司   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 26.7.
   volume is 60.68% higher than average. Avg Vol:27927.00

600582: 天地科技股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600588: 用友軟件股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.
600600  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 30.7

600616: 上海市第一食品股份有限公司  stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.

600639: 上海金橋出口加工區開發股份有限公司   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600642: 申能股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 18.39.
   volume is 136.51% higher than average. Avg Vol:457922.00

600643: 上海愛建股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600677: 航天通信控股集團股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 27.85.
   volume is 148.21% higher than average. Avg Vol:188101.00

600718: 沈陽東軟軟件股份有限公司  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.

600748: 上海實業發展股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600750:add name later  stock breaks down. ready to sell

600763: 通策醫療投資股份有限公司  stock breaks down. ready to sell

600771:add name later  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 15.38.
   volume is 8701.21% higher than average. Avg Vol:2553.00

600782: 新華金屬製品股份有限公司   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600786: 東方鍋爐(集團)股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600792:add name later  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 11.76.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:60759.00

600808: 馬鞍山鋼鐵股份有限公司  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 10.42.
   volume is 55.07% higher than average. Avg Vol:462164.00

600827: 上海友誼集團股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600837: 北京中創信測科技股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600859: 北京王府井百貨(集團)股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600869: 三普藥業股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600894: 廣州鋼鐵股份有限公司   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

600896: 中海(海南)海盛船務股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600961: 湖南株冶火炬金屬股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

600966: 山東博匯紙業股份有限公司   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 16.54.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:339652.00

600970: 中國中材國際工程股份有限公司   stock follow through day 2,3.... still going down. sell

600975: 湖南新五豐股份有限公司   be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

601111: 中國國際航空股份有限公司   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 15.83.
   volume is 38.06% higher than average. Avg Vol:414637.00

601168: 西部礦業股份有限公司   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 66.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:319068.00

601318: 中國平安保險(集團)股份有限公司   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 101.66.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:139368.00

601600: 中國鋁業股份有限公司  stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothing

601628: 中國人壽保險股份有限公司   stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothing

601699:add name later  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

900932: 上海陸家嘴金融貿易區開發股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

500008: 基金興華  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000011: 深圳市物業發展(集團)股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000024: 招商局地產控股股份有限公司  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 77.30.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:30654.00

000039: 中國國際海運集裝箱(集團)股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000050: 深圳天馬微電子股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.
000060  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 50.99

000065: 北方國際合作股份有限公司   stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 16.98.
   volume is 76.12% higher than average. Avg Vol:33276.00

000428: 湖南華天大酒店股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000429: 廣東省高速公路發展股份有限公司  stock continues going up from BK5 state. buy some.

000488: 山東晨鳴紙業集團股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000537:add name later  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 14.8.
   volume is 24.42% lower than average. Avg Vol:468666.00

000572: 海馬投資集團股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000582: 北海市北海港股份有限公司  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell all

000586:add name later  stock breaks down. ready to sell

000606: 青海明膠股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000623: 吉林敖東藥業集團股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000632: 福建三木集團股份有限公司   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell all

000661: 長春高新技術產業(集團)股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000685:add name later  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 15.95.
   volume is 52.12% higher than average. Avg Vol:3847.00

000687: 保定天鵝股份有限公司   second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell all

000690:add name later  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000703: 世紀光華科技股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000709: 唐山鋼鐵股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000726: 魯泰紡織股份有限公司  stock follows through from BS0 state. buy some.

000755: 山西三維集團股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000758: 中國有色金屬建設股份有限公司  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 36.03.
   volume is 158.99% higher than average. Avg Vol:97730.00

000761:add name later  stock breaks down. ready to sell

000798: 中水集團遠洋股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000801: 四川湖山電子股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000807: 雲南鋁業股份有限公司  stock follow through day 2,3.... do nothing

000848: 河北承德露露股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000885: 洛陽春都食品股份有限公司  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000895: 河南雙匯投資發展股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 52.1.
   volume is 68.42% higher than average. Avg Vol:60077.00

000931: 北京中關村科技發展(控股)股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000932: 湖南華菱管線股份有限公司  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000937: 河北金牛能源股份有限公司   stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

000952:add name later  stock breaks down. ready to sell

000960: 雲南錫業股份有限公司  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 61.9.
   volume is 21.25% lower than average. Avg Vol:73010.00

000962  stock follow through day 1. buy some at around 18.37

000967:add name later  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 13.98.
   volume is 1182.67% higher than average. Avg Vol:8890.00

000996:add name later  stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 20.4.
   volume is normal. Avg Vol:56647.00

001696:add name later  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

000792: 青海鹽湖鉀肥股份有限公司  stock breaks down. ready to sell

000958:add name later  run away gap up. stock breakout the first day. buy some at around 11.40.
   volume is 70.85% higher than average. Avg Vol:230703.00

000975:add name later  run away gap down. stock breakout failure the first day. sell some at around 13.82.
   volume is 25.56% lower than average. Avg Vol:149110.00

002095: 浙江網盛科技股份有限公司  second down day. stock follow through day 1 .sell all

030002: 五糧YGC120080402  stock continues going up from FTDW2 state. buy some.

580010: 馬鋼CWB120071128  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

580011: 中化CWB120071217  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

580989: 南航JTP120080620  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

038003: 華菱JTP120080229  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

038004: 五糧YGP120080402  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.

038006: 中集ZYP120071123  be careful its ready to break out and buy some.
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