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標題:Bad title leads to misunderstanding 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-07-16被查看:173次評論(0)  文件夾:old

I've set up my account here for a while now.  Several guys contacted me thinking about ONS.  I am not for it so I rejected them.  What makes them think I would do that?  Maybe ONS is so common that it is just like eating and sleeping now?  Fortunately, that's not true.  One guy actually told me that maybe because I wrote a title like "finally I would like to have a happy family ..."  In fact, I wrote "eventually I would like to ...".  What I tried to say was I am not feeling too bad of being single, but I don’t mind starting a happy family as well.  To guys, however, this title means I have fooled around with guys for a long time and now I want to settle down.  What a good example of interpretation of words!  Be careful, girl!  Now I have changed it.  If it is still misleading, please let me know.  Thanks.

標題:Princeton University 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-07-14被查看:91次評論(0)  文件夾:old

Last week I visited Princeton University for a very short period of time.  Wandering in the woods and between the grant buildings, I felt peace and respect accumulate gradually in my heart... It's such a wonderful place!

P.S. the only regret was that I didn't have a chance to visit Einstein's house or bump into John Nash.

標題:2 cents: down and up 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-06-25被查看:115次評論(0)  文件夾:old
These days I am at my low point.  I tried to figure out why this, why that ... I couldn't solve the problems (or I am so afraid of failure that I wouldn't try) and I got myself down.  You see, sitting and thinking is useless.  Taking actions is the way to go.  Just take what I have and do my best.
標題:Life is beautiful! 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-03-29被查看:160次評論(0)  文件夾:old

I was driving on the freeway this morning.  With sunshine and breeze around, a thought suddenly hit me - Life is beautiful!  And I love it!!

標題:Too early to say - snow again 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-03-21被查看:162次評論(0)  文件夾:old
Cannot believe it - snow again and will again next week!
標題:Spring is coming 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-03-14被查看:164次評論(0)  文件夾:old

Finally the temperature is above 30F.  When I open the window, surprisingly I don't feel cold.  I actually like the cool breeze.  It is so refreshing.  I can feel the energy, growth, and beauty in the air.  It's time to go out and immerse myself in the spirit of spring!  

標題:Soooooooooo Cold: -9F 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-01-20被查看:235次評論(0)  文件夾:old
It's so cold over this weekend.  Everybody keeps warm.
標題:Holiday 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2008-01-05被查看:244次評論(0)  文件夾:old

I got a break recently.  It was so much fun!  I went skating on ice for the first time!  Anyone konws some place for ice skating? 

Recently I searched ice-skating online.  I found 3 available all year around.  The prices are about $5.15 - $7 each time.  Just let you know and hope you enjoy it.

標題:snow 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:其它創建於:2007-12-03被查看:614次評論(5)  文件夾:old

We had snow during the weekend - 5 inches!  It feels so good to stay in a cozy place and watch the snow falling down.

標題:so many people here ... 字體 [ ]   顏色[ ]
分類:隨筆小記創建於:2007-11-21被查看:799次評論(0)  文件夾:old

It's a surprise to see so many people here - everyone here is kind of lonely in real life.  People who registered here are brave to say "I want to have some friends".  However, people are also risk averters - I can see it from these:

1) At least 80 percent does not pay to be an advance member.  We cannot see the so-called "An4 Jian4".

2) We still have a way to talk to each other by inviting each other as a friend.  After this step, we stopped and no more message etc.

Will this get what we try to do - having friends?

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