
油畫中派-國畫歐派2009-05-25 17:30哲藝宏天靠努力.宇宙能運萬彩齊.江山美好人性靈.宏宇大氣藝天地.藝豪全心刻苦筆.彩墨油筆刻仙趣.山水花鳥人性具.醜惡貪黑陰邪氣.忠義友善人心裏.哲人油畫中派具.國畫西派更情趣.飄逸潑灑宣紙奇.心刻大宇藝心迪

himalaya make you heath and happy

(2009-09-29 04:14:39) 下一個

Himalaya QiGong (Ⅱ)

‘My wife and I have practiced Qi Gong for five months and we feel it is wonderful. In the beginning we thought: "How can this have an effect", but we soon discovered we react very well to it. We now have a lot of energy and feel very much in balance. The condition of our muscles has improved somewhat. In the beginning my wife could hardly follow half of the program (she had back problems, muscle problems and a headache), while now she can even do the second degree exercises. I must add that we practice at home every day.’

Joints ‘I came to Alex Wu as I had problems with arthritis of the left shoulder joint and in the disks between the lower vertebrae. All this caused me a lot of pain. Since some time I have taken part in the Qi Gong practice and for two months I also took herbs. As soon as I started with these the pain in the shoulder joint disappeared, and since I stopped with them the pain has not returned. Concerning my back I have found no improvement. I do find that the Qi Gong exercises have a calming and relaxing effect on me. The combination of movement, concentration and meditation make it possible to feel and direct the flow of energy in and outside of the body.’

Deaf ‘We brought our ten year old son to Alex Wu because he was turning deaf after a severe mid-ear inflammation. Already after the first treatment he reacted stronger and his sense of hearing had improved considerably. During the first treatment Alex Wu had refilled the drastically exhausted energy reserves of our son, by opening himself as a channel to the flowing in of the universal energy and by passing it on via his hands to our son.

For further strengthening and stabilizing of the energy management Alex Wu advised the use of herbs and the participation of Qi Gong lessons. With confidence we continue with the treatment.’


‘Pain of the left kidney, acne (primarily on the back) and a lot of emotions and sadness. This brought me to Alex Wu. Through his acupuncture treatments and following Qi Gong lessons I gradually became more myself. I now feel more stable, more relaxed and am building up energy. I now have a good feeling about the physical work, but want to become stronger in taking decisions.’


‘I was restless, felt stress in my head, was quickly unreasonable, angry and overactive (I could not stop). According to Alex Wu this was because my stomach, liver and kidneys were weak, while the heart had too much fire. In addition I sometimes could not see well, due to an inflammation of the eyes, and at night I slept badly. Following treatment by Alex Wu I suffered less of my kidneys and my stomach was definitely calmer. The eye inflammation, a consequence of overactivity, disappeared, and the stress in my head diminished.’

Allergy ‘Five years ago I got a rash on my forehead. It got worse and worse and food allergies appeared (sugar, spices, milk, oranges, nuts etc.). I suffered of bad breath as well. After two Qi Gong lessons and after a herbal cure of two weeks I felt less tired. I have more energy and my skin has improved somewhat.’

Depression ‘Seventeen years ago, after the birth of my youngest son, I started to get problems: depressions, inflammation of the bowels, and accumulation of moisture in the

body. I tried many alternative methods, and they did help me some. But now I feel that the acupuncture-treatments are really helpful to get rid of my headaches, accumulated moisture, lack of energy (I tire quickly) and itchiness. Three days after the first treatment I started to feel better, had more energy and felt more relaxed.’

Back ‘My whole life, starting in my early teens, has been embittered by back problems. My pelvis was slanted, my spinal column was misformed ( the curve of the spinal column). For years I visited all kinds of therapists and chiropractors. Through a couple of accidents the problems increased, until six years ago there was a hard hit: two damaged neck vertebrae’s caused by a car accident. After these recurrent injuries to my neck, finally I came to Alex Wu, who treated me with acupuncture, herbs and Qi Gong.

The problems in the lower part of my back disappeared some time ago. For the first time since more than twenty five years I can sleep on my left side again. My neck has healed insofar that I can sit again for hours, read and draw without pain or a headache (a few months ago the pain was sometimes unbearable).’


Knee ‘Not long ago I fell thereby hurting my kneecap, with the result of accumulated moisture in the knee. I waited four weeks before I let myself be treated: this was much too long. Now my knee is treated with acupuncture and herbs and it is slowly improving. The pain has almost disappeared and gradually the moisture is vanishing as well.

Some weeks later my knee is almost healed due to a combination of acupuncture, herbs and massage with the "magical" oil of Alex Wu. The pain is gone, the mobility has almost completely returned and also the moisture is nearly gone. I do not have to be operated.’

Diagnosis at a distance ‘As my father had not felt well for a time, but lived too far away to personally visit Alex Wu, I asked him for a treatment at a distance. Alex told me to concentrate strongly on my father for a while. So I sat down and focussed my attention on my father. Almost immediately I felt myself growing heavy, especially in my head. It felt as if there was pressure from outside, I grew very tired and had the feeling that this lasted a long time. I imagined my father in all kinds of situations.

Alex Wu established that my father had caught a cold and was troubled by a headache, that the blood-circulation on the left side of his chest was out of order and that something was wrong with his legs. He gave me herbs, in particular to cleanse the blood.

When I called my father, he told me he had caught a cold some days previously, and that the doctors had discovered bad blood circulation in his legs. He had no headache but since his heart attack, one and a half years ago, he did feel something was wrong with his head. The first day after taking the herbs he felt a reaction in his head and then a sense of relief.’

Push ‘Before I started with Qi Gong I had actually had no direct contact with Eastern sensibility, though I had always been interested in the Eastern way of life and thought. I was a member of a sports club (fitness, aerobics) to improve my outer appearance, when I heard that a course of Qi Gong was going to start. After collecting some information, I decided to stop working on my outward appearance and to start improving my inner life.

The first time I shall never forget. I was nervous and did not know at all what to expect. Alex Wu, our Qi Gong master, explained the exact significance of Qi Gong, that there are several kinds and what he wanted us to attain during the course. Then we started with the exercises.

Exercises to relax, to let your blocks disappear. In the beginning I was nervous and not concentrated, but gradually I became more calm, peaceful and secure.

After the lesson Alex still wanted to show us that energy cannot be stopped, that it passes through everything. For this he needed a subject, and as I stood quite in front it was me. He placed me at about two meters distance from the wall. In front of me there was a table. Subsequently he left the room and went to the other side of the wall, outside my field of view. There I was, with my face to the wall, in the same posture as during the lesson: the legs slightly spread, the arms loosely along the body, eyes closed, "relaxed" as he called it. And I waited. He had said that he was going to make me move, but how? Was he going to displace me, let me float in the air…I had no idea.

Suddenly I had to tense all my muscles to stay straight and waved my arms to keep my balance. It was just as if somebody unexpectedly had pushed both of my shoulders, nearly

causing me to fall backwards. But that was impossible, as directly in front of me there was a table. Nobody could be standing in front of me. It was Alex who had "pushed" me.

I myself, but also people around me, noticed changes immediately after the first lesson. I was less nervous, more sure of myself. Since I am doing Qi Gong I feel better than ever. More

energetic and positive… I have the feeling I can take on the whole world. This is also the meaning of Qi Gong: taking care to be in balance, so you feel good.’

Colors ‘As usual Alex began the Qi Gong lesson by leading us to the meditative spheres of the Himalayan mountains. I was relaxed and in a good mood. As the exercises progressed I became completely one with myself. The movements came as by themselves, without strain, and the energy in my hands was very warm. This warmth gradually moved through my whole body and it felt as if I was completely surrounded by white light. Suddenly I could see a small circle of indigo. The indigo flowed out into nuances of blue and green. It was wonderful! I only wanted to stand still and enjoy the colors.

I concentrated on the movements again. Suddenly a radiant pink appeared. I was so moved by its radiance, I almost started to cry. I felt that I was really loved. Until then I had only sometimes perceived blue, none of the other colors.’


Besides being a doctor Alex Wu is also a famous artist. The basis of his art is nature, animals and spiritual subjects. His work is a modern version of the traditional Tibetan and Chinese art forms. Paintings of Alex Wu form part of the collections of international art collectors. He has exhibited in Tibet, Nepal, the USA, Australia and the Netherlands. His work can also be seen in the permanent collection of the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, California.

In 1997 Alex Wu organised the First European Chinese Art Competition. 2000 artists participated and the 200 selected works were exhibited in the Parliament in the Hague.

2001-03-12 Ingrid Claessen

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