
油畫中派-國畫歐派2009-05-25 17:30哲藝宏天靠努力.宇宙能運萬彩齊.江山美好人性靈.宏宇大氣藝天地.藝豪全心刻苦筆.彩墨油筆刻仙趣.山水花鳥人性具.醜惡貪黑陰邪氣.忠義友善人心裏.哲人油畫中派具.國畫西派更情趣.飄逸潑灑宣紙奇.心刻大宇藝心迪

himalaya is so great!

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Himalaya QiGong (Ⅱ)
Himalaya QiGong (Ⅰ)



Himalaya QiGong (Ⅱ)

15 .Qi Gong for Special Complaints

The exercises in the previous chapter are meant to be practiced regularly by beginners of Qi Gong. They are general exercises having a positive effect on the energy-balance and therefore act in a healing and refreshing way.

This chapter consists of a few series of specific exercises that are effective for certain illnesses bringing relief for headache, stomach-ache and flu. Further you will find some prescriptions for healing herbal extracts, which can be taken in addition to the Qi Gong Exercises. It is preferable however to consult with a traditional Chinese doctor before preparing and taking in the herbal extracts.

Qi Gong for headache


Stand in a relaxed way, spread your feet some tens of centimeters, so your shoulders and feet form an imaginary vertical line and let your arms with palms inward hang loosely along your body. Close the eyes and keep them closed during the whole session.
Imagine that you are standing on a mountain top in the Himalayas with above you a clear blue sky and under your feet the glittering snow.

2. Slowly bring your arms up forwards from the basic position with the fingers turned upwards. The fingers are spread some millimeters and the fingertips are slightly bent towards the palms. Bring your hands to your forehead at the level of the hairline and from

this position start to strongly massage your head. Press firmly with your fingertips on the scalp and also move the fingertips somewhat backwards and forwards. Move the fingertips in small massage steps in even distances centimeter by centimeter slowly towards the back of your head. In this way for two minutes give yourself a firm massage from the forehead to the back of the head and back.

Return to the basic position and relax for a minute. Focus your attention on the energy in your palms.

1. Slowly bring your arms up sideways until they form one line with the navel. The palms of the hands are turned toward the ground in this position. Turn your hands 90 degrees, so your thumbs are up and the little fingers down. Slowly move your hands forwards, bring them together and rub the palms against each other with the fingertips turned downwards. Do this ten times in summer and twenty times in winter.

With the thumbs of your fists rub along your nostrils, one from top to bottom, the other simultaneously from the bottom up. Do this back and forth, in summer ten times, in winter twenty times.

From the basic position turn your palms up and bring your arms sideways to shoulder level and then bring your hands in front of your body. Move the fingertips towards each other and by bending your arms from your shoulders form a relaxed half circle. Focus your attention for one minute on the energy in your palms.
Return to the basic position and relax for a minute. Focus your attention on the energy in your palms.

Cross your hands against your navel and focus your attention for one minute on the energy in your palms.
Return to the basic position and relax for a minute.

Against headache resulting from a cold, you can drink the extract of the following ingredients:

spring onions (200 gram)

ginger (20 gram)

possibly some brown sugar

Let the ingredients cook for half an hour in two liters of water and every two hours drink a big cup of this extract.

Headache caused by heat can be treated with the extract of:

chamomile (18 gram)

liquorice (6 gram)

Let the ingredients cook for half an hour in one and a half liters of water and finally add the juice of one lemon. Also effective is an extract of the peel of half a watermelon, cooked half an hour in two liters of water.

In case of tension headache a hot shower or bath are helpful, meditation and an extract of 18 gram of mint or 20 gram of kau peu (can be obtained from Chinese doctors), cooked half an hour in two liters of water.

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