不用說現在大家現在已經知道,最近stupid Dollar在高位,導致大宗商品暴跌。
石油ETF如: UWTI, UCO, USO等等,隻適合於短期操作,掙錢就跑。
曆史證明,如果你知道在哪裏投資, 利用這種不正常現象,在未來數月make 翻幾翻的漲幅。
There's a huge supply of oil in the market. The most recent EIA Petroleum Status Report showed an inventory build of 10.3 million barrels of oil, more than double analysts' expectations for an increase of 4 million.
Well-respected analysts at both JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) and Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) 相信油價可能會維持低於50美元,至少在2015年的上半年...可能還要低,現在到了45,會到40嗎?如果市場不能找到一種方法,to drain the current surplus就有可能。再加上現在的強勢美元更增加了這種可能性。
當crack spread上升,則意味著該石油提取物,如燃料,上升比原油的價格要快。年初至今,價差已經從3.50美元躍升至19.90美元 - 增加了469%!!!The current spread is also twice as wide as the 20-year average of $8.73.
而large spread不利於大多數石油生產國,但是it's great for煉油廠 -- 即把原油到餾分油(像汽油)的公司。當投入成本(油)低,但燃油價格不斷上漲,這些煉油廠可以捕捉到更大的利潤空間。these refineries can capture bigger margins。
And there's one best-in-breed refiner that is not only cheap from a fundamental standpoint, but also exceptional at squeezing dollars out of low-grade crude: Valero (NYSE: VLO).
Valero operates 15 refineries, with a capacity of 2.9 million barrels per day -- 15.7% of U.S. daily oil consumption reported in 2014. In addition to wholesaling its petroleum products to other distributors, Valero also operates its own fuel stations in nearly every state. This allows unique price controls for its final product.
The company operates two unique and proprietary devices called hydrocrackers, which are uncommon in the industry. Hydrocracking units transform cheaper, lower-grade feedstock (oil) into high-quality distillates (gasoline) at more efficient rates than the traditional equipment used throughout most of the industry.
Valero's two hydrocrackers, located at its Port Arthur refinery and St. Charles plant, give it an added advantage over competitors when it comes to margin and the creation of products such as jet fuel, kerosene and diesel. VLO has been increasing output of these hydrocrackers over the past two years and is continuing to push for further expansion.
When Valero hit a high of $59.69 in May 2014, oil was trading at $100 per barrel and a gallon of gasoline cost $3.76. Today, crude is trading for $50 and gas is at $2.45 -- a much better profit ratio and overall environment for refiners -- but VLO shares are only trading for ~$58.
I expect VLO's earnings per share (EPS) to hit $6.50 in 2015. Using a forward P/E of 10 (a realistic multiple looking at five years of forward P/E history) puts VLO at a fair value of $65. That's only 11% above current prices. But using my profit amplifying strategy, we could make 69% in only three months.
我的計劃是買VLO Jun 55 Calls for $5.90 or less.
This call option has a delta of 65, which means it will move roughly $0.65 for every dollar that VLO, but it costs a fraction of the price of the stock.
The trade breaks even at $60.90 ($55 strike price plus $5.90 options premium), which is 4% above current prices.
If VLO hits my $65 price target, the call options will be worth at least $10 ($65 stock target minus $55 strike price). That means we can make 70% from an 11% increase in share price.
請注意這個策略采用的是:the type of lower-risk/high-reward trades Jared publishes each week in his new Profit Amplifier newsletter。
多麽漂亮的瀑布呀!buy Dip!!!
XOM just raised 8 billion in credit offerings and has better credit rating than the USA...................
Now if we could just figure which companies they will acquire.......... Those will be buys now....
還有:EOG disclosed plans to grow its uncompleted stock by 85 to
~285 wells, or approximately 16% of the number it expects to drill this year.
Mar.15, 2015