

Love Story \'愛情故事\'

(2009-11-06 11:06:52) 下一個

Love Story 

一個富家子弟,一個麵包師的女兒,一段發生在哈佛校園的現代灰姑娘的故事成就了七十年代這部轟動一時、清新動人的電影《愛情故事》(Love Story),也使她的同名主題曲捧回了奧斯卡最佳原創音樂金像獎。電影中,兩個年輕人的生活剛剛稍有起色,年輕俏麗的女主角卻因身患絕症撒手人寰。悲劇更容易讓人銘記,尤其是浪漫溫馨的悲劇……

Where do I begin to tell a story of how great a love can be 我從哪裏開始講這樣一段偉大的愛? The sweet love story that is older than the sea 這比海洋還要古老的甜蜜愛情故事
The simple truth about the love she brings to me 這簡單的事實,關於她帶給我的愛

Where do I start 我從哪裏起始?
with her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine 她的第一聲問候,讓我空虛的世界有了意義
There'd never be another love another time 不再會有另一份愛情另一段時光
She came into my life and made the living fine 她進入我的生活,讓生命精彩

She fills my heart. She fills my heart with very special things 她充滿了我的心。她充滿我的心,用那些特別的點點滴滴
With angel songs, with wild imaginings 用那些天使的歌聲,那些狂野的幻想
She fills my soul with so much love 她充滿了我的靈魂,用那麽多的愛
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely 無論我去哪裏,我再不孤獨
With her along who could be lonely? 隻要有她,誰會孤獨呢?
I reach for her hand. It's always there 我牽著她的手。總在那裏

How long does it last? 這持續了多久?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day? 愛可以用相聚的時間長短衡量嗎?
I have no answers now but this much can say: 如今我不知道答案,但可以這樣說:
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away and she'll be there (Repeat)我知道,我需要她,直至星辰隕落。她會在那裏(重複)
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