

Beazer 單獨房REIT分析

(2012-05-16 11:37:44) 下一個

據WSJ,建房公司Beazer和KKR Investment聯合推出了一個專做單獨房出租的REIT. Beazer貢獻價值20Million 的192套房子,KKR投65million. 他們的目標是買更多房,一旦房產總值達到150million, 就上市。


Conservative Version      
Beazer Home-Rental REIT Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Portfolio - Number of Homes 192 500                1,000
Average Purchase Price Per Home    104,166.67       180,000.00        200,000.00
Total Market Value 20,000,001 90,000,000 200,000,000
Rental Revenue Per Home Per Month $800 $800 $800
Maintain Costs Per Home Per Month 150 150 150
RE Tax Per Home Per Month 350 350 350
Marketing and G&A Per Month          60,000           120,000            150,000
Monthly P&L Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Rental Revenue        153,600           400,000            800,000
Operating Costs          28,800             75,000            150,000
RE Tax          67,200           175,000            350,000
Marketing G&A          60,000           120,000            150,000
Monthly P&L           (2,400)             30,000            150,000
Annual P&L         (28,800)           360,000          1,800,000
Investment    20,000,001       90,000,000      200,000,000
ROI -0.14% 0.40% 0.90%
Good Economy Version      
Beazer Home-Rental REIT Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Portfolio - Number of Homes 192 500                1,000
Average Purchase Price Per Home    104,166.67       180,000.00        200,000.00
Total Market Value 20,000,001 90,000,000 200,000,000
Rental Revenue Per Home Per Month $1,000 $1,200 $1,400
Maintain Costs Per Home Per Month 150 150 150
RE Tax Per Home Per Month 350 350 350
Marketing and G&A Per Month          60,000           120,000            150,000
Monthly P&L Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Rental Revenue        192,000           600,000          1,400,000
Operating Costs          28,800             75,000            150,000
RE Tax          67,200           175,000            350,000
Marketing G&A          60,000           120,000            150,000
Monthly P&L          36,000           230,000            750,000
Annual P&L        432,000         2,760,000          9,000,000
Investment    20,000,001       90,000,000      200,000,000
ROI 2.16% 3.07% 4.50%
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