


(2009-08-12 21:40:33) 下一個
        大打出手之後,心情好象平靜了好多,管他外麵有多少,我要的是我的和平,我想安安穩穩的過好我的日子,把兩個可愛寶貝養大。他也想好了要這個家,他也要好好的撫養孩子,所以就給他一次機會。想想自己也30出頭了, 吵下去, 離婚了,也不是解決問題的辦法,隻會給自己加煩惱。

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5135 回複 悄悄話 (cont.)

So, let’s dealing with the issues one by one:
After carefully reading all of your articles, I feel very sorry for you, my deal 冰雪 girl; even I am on your site with my heart.

If I say something below, which makes you feel bad, please forgive me. I may say something totally wrong in your view, please keep this in your mind that I am providing you a different angle of the view to look at you and your life.

Generally speaking, it looks like that you have every thing in people’s eyes, a home, a husband, a lovely daughter, a lovely son, a career.

But, in fact, you don’t have anything, you have nothing.

Do you know why?

Because: you don’t have yourself as a person standing in this world. You already forgot all the things about yourself in past years and a quite long time. Who you are, who you used to be, please think about it, ask yourself and take a good look of yourself and the one you used to be a long time ago.

... ...

5135 回複 悄悄話 Hi, 冰雪 girl, I posted below here again for you. Hopefully, this will have a little help.

Take care.

Do feel pain for you.

All of those you described here are terribly, terribly painful stories/experiences. A poor, poor 冰雪 gril, how much painful you had suffered, are suffering. And how hard your life was, is now. 痛得鑽心!!

Before you recollect yourself,

> Crying, crying first please. Crying loudly, crying out everything you had suffered. Give yourself a break Put everything on side, let you mind being blank. I like those words “想哭就哭,想恨就恨. 發泄! 發泄! 發泄! 你傷心!!你生氣!!!對這個背叛你的男人,這時你做什麽都不為過。”

> Release yourself and at the same time ignoring him (your husband), treat him as air (not existed). Do whatever you want to do.
>>>Being mother, sure, giving love to your kids. Do what you want with them.
>>>Enjoying shopping, sure, spend money and treat yourself better.
>>>Enjoying sport, sure, go running, fitness, whatever
>>>Enjoying ...., do ...

OK, now, let’s start it (靜下心來問問自己):

> Think hard about who you were, are and will be, what you want in your life, make your priority list
> Think hard who he is, what type of person he is
> Find your won definitions of 人品 ,道德, 良心, 責任, 愛情, 婚姻, 家

>Then, figure out where you are and where he is now. 你自己想要的到底是什麽, 他是不是fit in your definitions about 人品, 責任, …
>Find the difference? Write down.

So, let’s dealing with the issues:
hurry11 回複 悄悄話 If I were you, Iwill離婚for自己和孩子們.