版 本:原版XRCD2技術還原
地 區:香港/日本
唱片公司:EMI(百代唱片)/EMI K2_Technology Made in Japan
【專輯介紹】 羅文、甄妮兩位巨星合唱的經典金曲,經金牌大風以XRCD技術還原出版,真實再現了他們當年的藝術風采。錄音音質穩定,音頻寬闊,低頻紮實飽滿,有極高的欣賞價值!
【專輯曲目】01. 鐵血丹心 -射雕英雄傳之鐵血丹心主題曲(羅文、甄妮合唱)
02. 滿江紅 -射雕英雄傳之鐵血丹心插曲(羅文)
03. 桃花開 -射雕英雄傳之東邪西毒插曲(甄妮、羅文合唱)
04. 肯去承擔愛 -射雕英雄傳之東邪西毒插曲(甄妮)
05. 長城謠(羅文)
06. 你的淺笑(甄妮)
07. 世間始終你好 -射雕英雄傳之華山論劍主題曲(羅文、甄妮合唱)
08. 四張機 -射雕英雄傳之華山論劍插曲(甄妮)
09. 一生有意義 -射雕英雄傳之東邪西毒主題曲(甄妮、羅文合唱)
10. 千愁記舊情 -射雕英雄傳之華山論劍插曲(羅文)
11. 似是前生欠你(甄妮)
12. 美滿前途全力創 -一九八三年禁毒宣傳歌(羅文)
【附 注】1. 這張碟,錄音很好,背景很幹淨,配樂都還原得不錯,很有80幾年那時候的風格,人聲很好,密度、厚度都不錯。
2. Extended Resolution Compact Disc (XRCD) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Resolution_Compact_Disc)
Extended Resolution Compact Disc (XRCD) is a mastering and manufacture process patented by JVC for producing high fidelity redbook Compact Discs. It was first introduced in 1995.
A XRCD is priced about twice as high as a regular full-priced CD.
The XRCD definition refers to the mastering and manufacture process; the resulting CD and the contained data conforms to the redbook standard and are encoded at 16 bits, 44.1 KHz. Hence, XRCDs are playable on any compact disc player.
XRCD2 and XRCD24 are improved versions of the original XRCD process. XRCD2 is the first to record to a magneto-optical disk via the digital K2 regenerator, while XRCD24 upgrades the original music signal\'s bit depth signal from 20 to 24 bits.