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歸根結底,任何收獲都是取決於, 你自身的努力和天賦,加之從外部取得良好的信息。個人而言,我來自一個中產階級家庭,進的是級別平平的公立學校,從來沒有過私人補習老師。我還知道不少背景更差的學生,也獲得了全額獎學金, 或進入全國最好的大學。我們不能改變我們的天賦,但我們可以更加努力,這本書將為您提供一些有用的信息,而這些信息一定會使你付出的努力更加有效, 達到事半功倍。

這裏是連接 http://www.amazon.com/School-Success-College-Application-ebook/dp/B006SMH2SW/

When I started my freshman year in high school, I didn't have a master plan, but I did want to go to a good college. Classes and grades were my main focus at first, but I gradually gained a more complete picture of college admissions through research, teachers, admissions counselors, and mentors. I dedicated a lot of time and effort to being successful in high school and preparing for college. Along the way, I developed valuable skills, gained memorable experiences, and met some great people. My high school years were pretty good, and at the end of it all, several universities offered me full merit scholarships that covered tuition, room and board for all four years.

Expensive consultants and prep schools can be great resources and provide customized support, but parents and students should carefully weigh the costs and benefits. As a private tutor, I've often received rates up to $120 per hour. I and other tutors or consultants can speed up the learning process and provide customized plans that are valuable. However, I'm certain there is tremendous opportunity for students who are willing to work hard, even without this type of help, and this book aims to provide the essential information that students need to make the most of their high school years. In writing this book, I hope to help families that may have difficulty paying for valuable but high priced services.

At the end of the day, it comes down to effort, talent, and good information. Personally, I'm from a middle class family, went to a public high school with average ratings, and never had a private tutor. I also know many students from much less privileged backgrounds who have received full scholarships or gotten into the best universities in the nation. We can't change our natural talents, but we can improve our efforts, and this book will provide you with some useful information to make those efforts more productive.  

這裏是連接 http://www.amazon.com/School-Success-College-Application-ebook/dp/B006SMH2SW/
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