
131 Cut out

(2010-01-20 06:46:08) 下一個

131 Cut out

(PW) have talent for, be suited for

She is not cut out for the swim team. She’s too slow.


(MW) verb, Date: 15th century, transitive verb

1 : to form by erosion
2 : to determine or assign through necessity cut out for you>
3 : to take the place of : supplant
4 : to put an end to : desist from <cut out wasteful spending>
5 : deprive, defraud <cut him out of his share>
6 a : to remove from a series or circuit : disconnect <cut out a car from a train> b : to make in operative intransitive verb

1 : to depart in haste
2 : to cease operating
3 : to swerve out of a traffic line



1. To remove by or as if by cutting.

2. To form or shape by or as if by cutting.

3. To take the place of; supplant.

4. To suit or fit by nature: I'm not cut out to be a hero.

5. To assign beforehand or by necessity; predetermine: We've got our work cut out for us.

6. To deprive: felt cut out of all the fun.

7. To stop; cease.

8. Informal To depart hastily.

9. Chiefly Southern U.S. To turn off (a light or television set).


stop talking or doing something His friends kept fooling around, and he kept hoping they'd cut it out. Usage notes: often used as an order: Nora, stop it. Cut it out.



a.         to omit; delete; excise.

b.         to oust and replace a rival; supplant.

c.         to part an animal from a herd.

d.         to plan; arrange: He has his work cut out for him.

e.         to move out of one's lane of traffic.

f.          Also, cut on out. Slang. to leave suddenly.

g.         Informal. to refrain from; stop: to cut out smoking.

h.         (of an engine, machine, etc.) to stop running.




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