
077 Bum

(2009-12-14 06:39:30) 下一個



(PW) worthless person

As long as I have known him, he never worked and always borrowed from other people.  He is such a bum!



1 a : one who sponges off others and avoids work

b : one who performs a function poorly

c : one whose time is devoted to a recreational activity beach bum> <ski bums>
2 : vagrant, tramp

on the bum : with no settled residence or means of support



It's a word that can cause trans-Atlantic hilarity, because it has entirely different meanings on each side of the pond. In the UK, it's a (modestly) vulgar term for backside. In the U.S., it's a hobo, tramp, worthless person. It's also a verb meaning "borrow" as in "bum a cigarette." The American meanings are from the German "Bummler," a loafer. It got shortened to bum in the mid-19th C. It has also morphed into "ski bum" and "beach bum" and similar expressions to denote someone who spends most of his or her time engaged in that pursuit. It is mildly perjorative, with the undercurrent of "doesn't have more useful things to do." The origin of the UK version is French or Old French "bom."
: Which did you mean?

Half century ago in the rural southeast US we frequently used slang, especially in mixed gender situations, which is often described here as British. Bum would mean backside, buttocks, rear end or ass "in the presence of the 'ladies'".


bum2 Informal


1. a disreputable loafer or idler

2. a tramp; hobo

3. an irresponsible, unpleasant, or mean person

4. a person who spends a great deal of time on a specified sport baseball bum

on the bum

a.  living as a loafer or vagrant

b.  out of repair; broken

vb bums, bumming, bummed

1. (tr) to get by begging; cadge to bum a lift

2. (intr; often foll by around) to live by begging or as a vagrant or loafer

3. (intr; usually foll by around) to spend time to no good purpose; loaf; idle

bum (someone) off US and Canadian slang to disappoint, annoy, or upset (someone)


1. (prenominal) of poor quality; useless

2. wrong or inappropriate a bum note



n. A tramp; a vagrant.

A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others.

An incompetent, insignificant, or obnoxious person: The batter called the pitcher a bum.

One who is devoted to a particular activity or milieu: a beach bum.

v., bummed, bum·ming, bums.


To live by begging and scavenging from place to place. Often used with around.

To loaf.


To acquire by begging; cadge. See synonyms at cadge.

Slang. To depress, dishearten, or dismay. Often used with out.


Inferior; worthless: gave me bum advice; did a bum job of fixing the car.

Disabled; malfunctioning: a bum shoulder.

Unfavorable or unfair: got a bum deal on my final grade for the course.

Unpleasant; lousy: had a bum time at the party.


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