

(0/) 2011-09-06 07:25:44


(0/) 2011-02-02 06:02:57

【Performance With CWC】

(0/) 2010-10-02 17:15:53


(1/) 2010-08-26 20:53:28

【2010 Fall Term Schedule】

(0/) 2010-08-26 20:13:47

【Birthday Celebration】

(0/) 2010-06-28 08:22:41

【Let There be Peace on Earth】

(0/) 2010-06-25 20:50:23

【2010 Summer Term Schedule】

(0/) 2010-06-07 17:51:12

【2010 Singing Recital】

(0/) 2010-04-26 19:57:16

【2010 Spring Term Schedule】

(3/) 2010-03-13 09:36:39

【歲月甘泉】 組歌

(0/) 2010-01-17 17:23:17


(0/) 2010-01-13 18:54:29

【伏爾塔瓦河 River Moldau】

(1/) 2009-12-20 20:33:57

【Winter Term Schedule】

(0/) 2009-12-18 21:14:34

【歌譜】- Updated on 10/07/2010

(0/) 2009-09-25 07:36:36

【Fall Term Schedule】

(0/) 2009-09-13 18:39:56

【學唱 - Ave Verum Corpus 】

(0/) 2009-08-25 08:24:27

【學唱 - 搖籃曲】

(0/) 2009-08-25 07:42:51


(0/) 2009-08-18 13:00:59

【The Laugh】

(0/) 2009-08-09 09:17:52


(0/) 2009-08-09 07:27:53


(1/) 2009-07-04 06:56:26


(1/) 2009-07-04 06:24:16

【Director Chai-lun Yueh Bio】

(0/) 2009-07-02 19:42:09


(0/) 2009-06-28 06:46:50

【音樂會留念 2006-2007】RHCC

(0/) 2009-06-28 06:41:09


(0/) 2009-06-22 20:07:14

【Contact Us】

(0/) 2009-06-20 16:56:57


(2/) 2009-06-20 16:39:19

【聲樂課 2009年 6月13日】

(0/) 2009-06-20 09:51:42

【等你到天明】- GHS

(0/) 2009-06-20 09:35:00

【我愛你, 塞北的雪】 - GHS

(0/) 2009-06-20 09:16:11

【鄉間小路】- GHS

(0/) 2009-06-20 08:58:33

【東方之珠】- 合唱

(1/) 2009-06-20 07:16:47

【同一首歌】- 合唱

(0/) 2009-06-19 23:59:37

【等你到天明】- 男聲合唱

(0/) 2009-06-19 23:36:51