
#1 Musical Wizards~Concert Day - Chpt 7

(2009-06-10 15:13:24) 下一個

Chapter 7

     Finally the bell rang. We were so hot outside that we were last to get to the line. We were so tired that we almost walked into someone in front of us. The line was so squished that the door monitor split us into groups. It took 2 minutes to finally get inside, and we lazily walked up the stairs. We were so lucky to get into our classrooms before Master Tann did. Lana’s teacher, Master Jill, was already inside her classroom, but she was at her desk still trying to find her afternoon attendance.

     After 2 minutes, Master Tann walked into the classroom, still taking off her orange and yellow playground duty vest. She quickly walked to her desk and picked up her afternoon attendance. Then she took the attendance. The students in our class were: Kejoko, Ruthus, Tarra, Lana, Ally, Shanyaah, Aaron, Sheldon, Monica (me!), Cranda, Melissa, Isaac, Max, Laura, Janisa, Glen, Ryan, Ellie (Ally’s twin sister but I never mentioned her because she was away at China), Nicole, Bell, Martin, Jesse, Tracey, Luke, Tommy, Benjamin, Jack, Elliot. We had 28 students in our class.

     Everyone was here except for Bell Rainton, who got hit in the stomach at recess, and Luke, who was just absent at the beginning of the day. Master Tann told us to take out our science textbooks and flip to page 78. I quickly got to page 78 and started reading silently. It was about animal habitats. I love animals and so does Ally. Ally has a pet dog. It’s a white silky terrier named Igloo. My mom and dad said I could go to the pet store next week and get a dog. I knew exactly what type to get: my favourite, a golden retriever. I am going to name it Banana.

     Then Master Tann pointed to me and said, “Monica, could you start us off by reading the first paragraph, please?” I stood up. “The title is, Living in the Forest. A lot of animals live in the forest. Most of them are mammals, like deer, bear, fox, and more. There are also many types of birds and other animals who lay eggs. For example, frogs, herons, and lot of birds are animals who live in the forest. The forest is a beautiful place of trees which make fantastic habitats for forest animals.” I sat down. “Very good,” said Master Tann. “I’m going to hand out a short booklet on habitats about what we have learned for the past 2 weeks. You have 15 minutes to work on it.”

     I took out my blue lead pencil and pushed the button twice. Then I took out my watermelon flavoured eraser and a ruler. You never know what you need for a test.

     Master Tann put my booklet faced down on my desk. I picked up my pencil and got ready. Finally, Master Tann said, “GO!” I flipped over my booklet and worked on the questions.

     10 minutes later, I finished double checking my work. I flipped over my booklet and took out my book, In and Over. Soon, I finished my book and took out another book, Fantastic French Report. I was on page 22 when Master Tann told us to put our books away and take out our brochure about the music competition.

     “I can see that a lot of you are wondering about Music Land. Even I do not know where this is, and I will not know because even if you did win, I would not be in it so I will not get to go. It is lucky that only the winning band of this year will get to go to Music Land for free. So try your very best!”

     I was disappointed that we did not find out about Music Land. But, oh, we will soon!

     Finally the dismissal bell rang. I put my study books in my green backpack and went over to Ally’s desk. She was done in less than a second and soon we were walking home with Allan, Janisa, and Jason. “I’m going to go home and practise my trombone,” said Allan. “I really want to win that competition.” “Me too,” the rest of us said. “Let’s practise really hard!” I said. “Sure!” agreed Ally. Soon Allan stopped at the park with Jason.

     It was only the girls left. “I would like to come to your house with Ally today,” Janisa said to me. “But I have a piano lesson this afternoon so I have to take a nap.” “Maybe next time,” I said. Soon we got to Janisa’s house so she went home.

     As usual, it left only Ally and I. But today Ally was coming to my house.

     Finally we got to my house. My parents were at work. We went inside. Ally and I took off our identical green crocs. The only differences were that mine was a size bigger and Ally had a little pin you put in those holes of Minnie mouse.

     “Yum! Chocolate chip cookies!” we said. My mom left me some cookies. We sat down and ate 3 cookies each. Then we took our laptops out of our green backpacks and went upstairs to my room. I grabbed a chair for her beside my chair and we sat at my desk. We opened our laptops and went on www.twyf.sa. I typed in my username and password and was soon logged on.

Username:   monee-mii   

            Password:   ***********   

     I scanned through the list of people online and saw a great surprise. was online. It was Ellie, Ally’s twin sister at China.

: OMG! It's ell!
: OMG! It’s Monee!

has just joined the conversation.

: sissy I miss u!

: hey ell when ur coming back?

: yeah we miss u

: next month

: hooray!

: I wuz ‘bout 2 say that

: al um bringing ya something

: oh?

: it’s got to be a surprise

: course sissy, you’ll find out oh gotta go bye

: bye you c ya

: bye come home soon

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