
G R A C E 恩 典 , 翻成, 恩 愛 , 仁 愛 , 慈 愛, 更適宜嗎?

(2009-12-12 17:44:07) 下一個

From Book of John 1:1, and 1:14

1. 起初, 有了文字, 並且文字和上帝是一致的, 因此文字就成了上帝。

 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

14. 至此, 文字, 變成了血肉之軀, 活在我們中間, {而我們秉持著, 這來自於天父(如同透過天父唯一僅有的聖子而閃現著)的榮耀, } 充滿著(慈,恩,仁)愛和真實(真摯,真誠,真心)

Grace 傳統上翻成 恩典, 也是傳承了, 如皇上 恩(準)賜(典: 則sounds 更正式, 更ceremonial, 更皇恩浩蕩一些, 是嗎?)

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