
Indians, etc.

(2009-05-14 02:49:18) 下一個

I  like Indians better than mediate.
Do not argue whether they are Asians or not. I noticed they are one of most active people in our Asian Network.

Love and hate all have their reason, absolutely not out of blue. Indians maybe not
Orientals as I am.  Not because they are Orientals that I love them. Totally two different
things. People hate that one who were gangsters, who committed incrediable atrocities to humankind. Humankind will never forget that. Let them to live in regrets, in self-
critizm, feeling guilty. Unfortunately they would not at all, you know. Peolple forgive
the one in the West to some extent, they truely feel guilty........

I like Indians better because of what they did to my people, In 1930's 5 doctors came
to help to cure the wounded. All five had the names ended by 'hua'.

I was terrified by Indain Egnlish. Once in a discussion attended by several people I just
could not understand anything from a Indian's speaking. He felt easy and spoke fast and
the sounds were very different from that of native speakers. I was wondering could the
audience understand him? I looked around and saw those narive speakers, most typical
of them white Americans, showed understanding in agreement, and nodded and nodded..... I spoke in my own way that I considered to be closer to native, but they
showed frustration and shaked and shaked..... So many times your feelings , your opinions are just not objective.......

Do not feel hurt when Indians saying 'Chinese food are not eatable'. I feel the same tol
Indian food. Once a freind invited me to a Indian cousine, I hardly ate any. What is the
harm to either one? Not at all. You just eat your own food!!!!


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