還真巧,同樣的案例今天加拿大就有報道,( 詳細報道見文後引文). 除了地點一中一加,案情基本類似,都是飆車小青年導致無辜路人身亡. 但是警察的作為則完全不同。 加拿大青年立即被刑事拘留,等待他們的是 如下刑事起訴: " charged with criminal negligence causing death, dangerous driving and failure to remain at the scene." 中文大約為: 刑事過失殺人,危險駕駛,肇事逃逸. 當然,沒有哪個加拿大政府官員敢出來為執行了這個國家的法律而表功。
CALGARY (CBC) - Two young men are in custody in central Newfoundland after an elderly woman was killed when her car was forced from a highway by racing drivers.
Ryan Selby Watkins, 20, of Summerford and Richard William Glibbery, also 20, of Boyd's Cove have been charged with criminal negligence causing death, dangerous driving and failure to remain at the scene.
Watkins and Glibbery, who were arrested on Saturday, appeared briefly in provincial court in Gander on Sunday. They were remanded in custody and are expected to make another court appearance on Monday.
Watkins has also been charged with breaching a court order.
An autopsy is planned to determine the exact cause of death of the woman, a Boyd's Cove resident.
The RCMP said its investigation is continuing.