  • 博客訪問:

Pearls are unfortunately never an investment

(2013-12-11 15:19:38) 下一個

If a pearl is nucleated with a bead there is a limit to the nacre layer. As you use the pearls, little by little the layer of nacre will disappear. If you treat them well you probably won't notice. But if you have modern day akoya with a thin layer of nacre, eventually the implanted bead will show. Then the pearl is worn down and is only fit to be thrown away.
The process of the nacre wearing slowly away is the main reason why I call pearls a commodity. I compare it to new cars. They cost money to buy, you never get the money back, and eventually they are worn down. But who doesn't want a great looking car?

Not all can be measured and counted. You buy pearls because you love them.

MIKIMOTO 的珠主要是AKOYA。海水珠的一種。也有其它種類的。
南洋珠 (South Sea Cultured Pearl),是大珍珠,尺寸一般在10mm 以上。
AKOYA珍珠和南洋珠是同一個品種,都是產於馬氏貝,隻不過是產地不同!South Sea Cultured Pearl 跟淡水珠比,一貝一珠,要養好久才長大,所以貴。

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