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亂讀 葉芝詩[那些起舞的時光已逝]

(2011-07-21 19:26:49) 下一個
Those Dancing Days Are Gone

William B. Yeats


W. 葉芝

Come, let me sing into your ear;
Those dancing days are gone,
All that silk and satin gear;
Crouch upon a stone,
Wrapping that foul body up
In as foul a rag:
I carry the sun in a golden cup.
The moon in a silver bag.

Curse as you may I sing it through;
That the most could pleasure you,
The children that he gave,
Are somewhere sleeping like a top
Under a marble flag?
I carry the sun in a golden cup.
The moon in a silver bag.

I thought it out this very day.
Noon upon the clock,
A man may put pretence away
Who leans upon a stick,
May sing, and sing until he drop,
Whether to maid or hag:
I carry the sun in a golden cup,
The moon in a silver bag.

詩人好像是說,雖然我身穿華服跳舞的時光已流逝,但我可以繼續唱。我的快樂不是靠青春敏捷和外表的美麗而是思想, 雖然我的粗俗的身體用醜陋抹布裹著,我依然可以揚眉吐氣放聲高歌,因為我不在乎別人對我外表的看法, 我的思想活躍,精神自由,擺脫虛偽。我雖然不再有跳舞的腿,但我有歌喉, 我可以谘意歌唱,從太陽高升唱到月亮高掛,直到倒在地上。

對比我,我絕對做不到詩人的瀟灑,我最在乎的是我的外表,如果隻能披塊麻布,我也會盡量掛得好看點。 沒了跳舞的腰枝,硬是裹也要裹出來。裹不出就用誇大胯部的方法造成錯誤視覺的效果。

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