
My English spelling is deteriorating...

(2009-04-07 14:09:25) 下一個

Yes, I even copied the title and pasted in the MS Word to check if I spelled "deteriorating" correctly. As I expected, I saw the red waving under line under that word. I moved my mouse to the word, right click the mouse, and quickly picked the correct word. That is how I get my English spelling worse and worse ...

Sounds like blaming the spelling check. It is not fair. Spelling check is really convenient. Definitely depending on the way you use it, it does help you in the short term - you got the word right, but it could hurt your English - if you never really try hard to remember the word. I think I used the spelling check the later way.

When I glance over a list of suggested words, I can quickly spot the right word. Usually, you can do that because you compare a list of words. I don't really spell the right word and try to memorize it. It doesn't help and make me relying on the spelling check more.

I can't imagine how could use a typewriter if there was no computer and printer. I need to use a lot of white-out. 

I wrote my introduction in my account without checking the spelling. I did it today and I feel embarrassed by how many wrong spelling. I know if you write something in Chinese with lot wrong and mistaken words, no body will believe it is from a person with high education. 

Yes, I copy this diary into MS and found a few miss-spelled words. But I try to memorize them this time.


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