風華 縱使 未曾遠
Even if I haven’t passed my prime (This is the one sentence I struggled with the most. I’ll break it down here — 風華: one’s talent and beauty at one’s prime; 縱使: Even if; 未曾遠: Hasn’t gone far.)
飄散 往事如煙
Scattered, the bygones have vanished like smoke
我曾刻下的詩篇 在懸崖上盛開
The poems I once carved on the cliff are in full bloom
像沈默的火焰 化作塵世的波瀾
Like silent flames, turned into tides of this mortal life
時光 宛如指尖的弦
Time, like the strings on fingertips
歌聲 未遠
The singing, is not far
記得 當時 繁花開
Remember back then, with the blooming flowers
你在 我的 身邊
You were by my side
The wilderness I’ve walked through
Has vanished like smoke with time passing
Like the eternal glaciers
Scattered into a roaring blizzard
The wilderness in my heart
Has vanished like smoke with time passing
Like the past vows
Became light through the abyss
Open my eyes
在天涯的盡處 看見了滄海
At the edge of the earth, I see the ocean
時光 宛如風裏的船
Time, like a ship in the wind
隨浪 飄遠
Drifting far away by waves
月色 如水影千帆
Moonlight, cascades like water, over the sails
喜歡你的譯文 :)