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推薦一本書,“Parenting with Fire”

(2014-08-13 07:13:38) 下一個
鄰居媽媽大力推薦,借我這本書,“Parenting with Fire”。


作者Shmuley Boteach是位猶太rabbi,好像還挺有名的,做一個關懷家庭的電視節目,是位資深老爸--有九個孩子!

文筆很生動流暢,而且平實,down to earth,讀起來很快。我兩天就讀完了,喜歡!

Boteach開篇就說,現今美國的家庭問題最主要是缺少passion,inspiration,小朋友被現代文化汙染,太早失去他們的innocence,變得世故而冷漠。“All around me, I see a generation of broken men, married to lonely women, raising insecure children."

要改變這些,Boteach給父母一套可以運用的提綱,簡稱PLANT-Protection, Love, Activity, Novelty, Tradition.

Boteach說,“We must not simply police our children, we must inspire them. ”  父母是孩子們的榜樣,are you the best version of yourself?你的生活充滿了樂趣和熱情,積極,有意義?還是你每天都得過且過,甚至怨天尤人?身教勝於言教,“Living a glorious and meaningful life is the best inspiration we can give our children.”


Protection:Boteach強調這是父母最大的責任。他拒絕所有的trash magazines and trash culture,周日絕對不讓看電視。而且他對於孩子的朋友都要scrutinize,請他們來家裏,認識他們和他們的父母。“Incorporate your children's' friendships into your family life instead of letting them take place away from it. "

Love: 這一部分是老生常談了。“Our children should want to achieve because they already have our unconditional love, not in order to earn it.”說到愛孩子的方法,最重要的莫過於和孩子相處,和孩子同樂。

Activity:“It is essential for us to come up with--and participate in--wholesome and enjoyable activities for our children." 不要outsource,把孩子們的課後活動排滿滿的;相反,限製他們的課後活動,以免影響家庭生活。要一家人同樂,一起玩。玩什麽呢?"What better way to inspire your kids than to give them the gift of your own passions?" 這點倒是和我寫“和孩子們分享我的心愛”不謀而合,已經寫了13篇了。(其實還有很多沒寫,像老公和小朋友玩board games。)

Novelty:Hold on to the natural sense of wonder, see the miracles in nature, and the magic in the seemingly mundane. Boteach最反對去mall裏頭逛街買東西,那根本就是教小朋友"novelty comes through acquisition"。

Tradition: Tradition gives children an identity, 因為傳統給了我們人生意義和理想,好像“為天地立心,為生民立命,為往聖繼絕學,為萬世開太平"。讓孩子們瞬間了解自己是傳統的繼承人,他們的責任感使命感立刻升華,他們覺得自己很重要。When our children feel connected to something larger than themselves they understand that what they do really matters.


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