
lepton (熱門博主)
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(2012-04-15 12:39:30) 下一個
聖經箴言25章11節:“Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances." 一 句 話 說 得 合 宜 , 就 如 金 蘋 果 在 銀 網 子 裡 。

我每周二和教會其他幾個姐妹去師母家聚會。最近我們在讀"The power of a positive mom" by Karol Ladd. 昨天討論的這一章就是說要多多鼓勵我們的孩子。我節選一些給大家看看:

There is no greater investment we can make in the lives of our children than giving them generous doses of encouraging words. It costs us so little in time and effort, but the rewards are priceless. When our young people are reminded of their God-given value, they receive deposits of confidence, security, and well-being in their emotional bank accounts.

We need to be on the lookout for qualities such as kindness, gentleness, joyfulness, gratitude, self-control, patience -- attributes the Bible calls "fruit of the Spirit". We should notice and encourage these qualities as we see them begin to sprout in our children's words and actions. Unique talents and abilities offer additional opportunities to encourage our kids to reach for their highest potential. We must simply be determined to find these points of praise!

1. be specific . "good job!" 這些都太普通了。But if we truly want to give a special gift to our children, we need to offer them specific compliments. "personalized praise" lets our kids know we're really paying attention.

2. be prepared. 把讚美的話先打打腹稿。

3. be creative. 把讚美寫下來,放在便當盒子裏,枕頭上,背包裏,等等。

作者挑戰讀者堅持21天每天說一些鼓勵,正麵的話,然後養成一個好習慣。我想到,這次從Sedona回家,在Phoenix機場,我看到一本書,叫“The Husband Project",也是說用21天每天做一點讓老公開心,驚喜的事情。那時候我就想到邀姐妹們一起來動動腦筋想想除了煮好吃的,做卡片,穿性感睡衣,給老公驚喜date,還有什麽可以做的呢?



下午女兒回家,我們一起去社區賣girl scouts 餅幹。貝貝好棒啊,一點都不怯場,很大方自信呢,很可愛。兩姐弟騎著小車在我家門口的這條街一家一家地按門,等人,然後口齒清晰地賣餅幹。我站在一旁,陽光暖暖地灑下來,看著他們憨憨的表情,我覺得好奇妙,幾乎有點不真實,這兩個小人真的是我的孩子呢。。。做媽媽的心下又驕傲又感歎又有些不舍,一恍惚,好像昨天自己還是不懂事的剛剛畢業的大學生,怎麽一下子這兩個娃娃就這樣大了。



“Dearest Becca, I love you so much. You're beautiful, lovely, and sweet. God made you special, and I am so glad he made you a part of this family. You have the most infectious smile. You bring joy to people all around you. I love how kind and considerate you are towards others. I love how you take care of Lucas. You always want to help mommy bake yummy scones and muffins. You love to share your snacks and toys with your friends. You respect and obey mommy and daddy. You are wonderful. You're a bright spot in my day. You are the sunshine of our family.
love, mommy"
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