寶寶這幾天“創作” 了幾個新詞兒。媽媽接寶寶放學,問:“今天怎麽樣?” 寶寶答:“Fantabulous!” 從外麵玩回來寶寶不想進屋:“It's gooder playing outside mom!”
Like a ball of yarn
星期天早上媽媽一大早就被弟弟弄醒了,於是幹脆到廚房做飯去。過了一會兒寶寶從樓上下來了。媽媽問寶寶:“爸爸呢?”寶寶答:"He's sound asleep, like a ball of yarn”.
Made-up story
once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and their baby princess. As the princess grew and grew, until she was a teenager, and then she danced ballet on the stage. Then a witch came and cast a spell on one of the plants, and the sky turned back and then it was night for ever. And then one day a dynasauer came and chewed the plant that had the spell on it, and then the kindom was saved.
Mommy's tricked
下午媽媽和寶寶一起玩。寶寶突然問:"Mommy, how do you say clock in English?" 嚴重缺覺,大腦缺氧的媽媽想都沒想就說:“鍾表”。說完了,看到寶寶好笑的表情才意識到答錯了。哈,學會捉弄人啦。