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回複:請教:關於Implant和bone grafting

(2009-03-11 13:19:43) 下一個
回複:請教:關於Implant和bone grafting
來源: ddsms07-01-26 22:56:20 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]

回答: 請教:關於Implant和bone graftingdudaan2007-01-26 08:55:05

I usually do the extractions and implant placements the same visit with or without bone graft, depending on the bone quantity and quality around sockets. This is usually what patients want since they don't have to go through surgeries twice. However, for some very esthetic areas, saying front teeth, I'd rather do extractions and bone grafts only and then wait about 4-6 months to place implants sicne this will give patients much better gumline and thus smile.

"維生素和鈣片" will never help you gain bone there but at most merely slow down the bone loss. Fosamax can help you gain bone but it is more controversial these days also since it tends to casue jaw necrosis on certain population.

You had your tooth pulled 2 months ago, then I wonder the reason that you didn't have at least the graft at that time. Anyway, I'd have bone graft with or without implants asap now if I were you because you'll just keep losing bone around the socket if you simply wait for now and just need more bone grafts later on.

This is just my 2 cents.

Good luck.
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